Mobilization Information and Resources Guide

Alphabetical Site Index


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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

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A    ñ


·        Armed Forces Reserve Medal

·        Armed Forces Reserve MedalFrequently Asked Questions

·        National Defense Service Medal — New eligibility rules for Guard and Reserve

·        Global War on Terrorism Medals — Two new medals

-        Executive Order

-        News release – DoD

-        News release – AF

-        Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

-        Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal

-        Campaign Medals For Afghanistan and Iraq

ê        Executive Order Establishing the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals

-        GWOT Medals for Service in GITMO and Colombia

B       ñ

Benefits — Employee Pension and Healthcare Coverage

Benefits — Also See “Pay and Benefits Chart”

C    ñ

Certificate of Creditable Coverage for Healthcare

·        Certificate of Creditable Coverage Fact Sheet

Child Support

·        Department of Health and Human Services — Support Payments when Mobilized

·        Assistant Secretary for Children and Families — Support Payment Adjustments

·        Link to your State Child Support Office

·        States with additional information for activated Guard and Reserve personnel










       New Jersey

       North Dakota





D    ñ

DEERS Enrollment — the key to healthcare access

·        Update your address in DEERS

Demobilization Personnel Policy Guidance

Demobilization — See “Transition” for more information

Dental Benefits — See “TRICARE Dental Program”


·        Incapacitation and Disability — DoD Instruction

·        Incapacitation and Disability — FAQ

·        Department of Veterans Affairs

      Filing a Disability Claim

      Disability Compensation Rates

      Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service

E   ñ
Education — Financial Assistance Programs

·        Montgomery GI Bill for the Selected Reserve

·        Reserve Educational Assistance Program — for National Guard and Reserve member who served in support of a contingency or designated

      Fact Sheet

      Frequently Asked Questions

·        Montgomery GI Bill for Active Duty

·        Monthly Benefit Rates

·        Summary of Educational Program Benefits

Employee Information — See “Reemployment Rights”

Employer Information — See “Reemployment Rights”

Employer Database memo of November 6, 2001
Capturing Data on Employers of Guard and Reserve Members

Employer Information — Register Your Employer

Employment — See “Federal Employment Assistance

Executive Orders

·        E.O. 13223 of September 14, 2001
Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces To Active Duty and Delegating Authorities to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation
·        E.O. 13253 of January 16, 2002
Amendment to Ordering the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces To Active Duty and Delegating Authorities to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation
·        E.O. 13239 of December 12, 2001
Designation of Afghanistan and the Airspace Above as a Combat Zone
·        E.O. 13289 of March 12, 2003
Establishing the Global War on Terrorism Medals
·        E.O. 13293 of March 28, 2003
Establishing rules for the award of the National Defense Service Medal to Reserve Component Members
·        E.O. 13363 of November 29, 2004
Establishing the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals

F    ñ

Family Healthcare memo of November 7, 2001

Family Readiness Toolkit

·        Guide to Reserve Family Benefits

Family Support — Military Departments

·        Army Army Families Online

·        Navy / Marine CorpsLifeLines

·        Air ForceCrossroads

Family Support:  Warning Signs of Violence—Helping youth identify and cope with violence

·        Reasons for Violence

·        Recognizing Violence

·        Someone Showing Violence Warning Signs

·        Dealing with Anger

·        At Risk for Violent Behavior

·        Controlling Your Own Risk for Violent Behavior

·        Violence Against Self

Federal Civilian Employees — See “OPM Compensation Policy Memorandum”

Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance and Service in a Combat Zone

Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB)

·        Civilian Personnel Policy Memorandum of May 17, 2002

·        Washington Headquarters Services Memorandum of June 3, 2002

·        Frequently Asked Questions

·        Benefits Administration Letter 05-411 (Coordination of FEHB withTAMP/TRS)

·        FEHB after TAMP/TRICARE Reserve Select

·        Waiver of Immediate FEHB Reinstatement

Federal Employment Information

·        Federal Job Search

·        Veterans Information

·        VetGuide

·        VetInfo Guide

Financial Aid

Financial Guide — Army National Guard Guide for Mobilized Soldiers

G    ñ

H    ñ

Healthcare — See:

·        Transitional Healthcare”

·        TRICARE Benefits”

·        VA Healthcare for Combat Veterans”

·        VA Study of War-Related Illnesses”

·        Medical Readiness:  Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network”

·        "Family Healthcare Memo

Health Assessment — See “Medical Readiness” — Pre-Deployment Medical Readiness and Post-Deployment Health Assessment

Healthcare Options for Federal Civilian Employees — See “Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB)”

Homecoming—Assistance to ease the transition

·        Resilience in time of war

·        Intro to tips for resilience

·        Tips for building resilience in children and teens

·        Tips for parents of pre-school children

·        Tips for parents of elementary school children

·        Tips for parents of middle school children

·        Tips for parents of high schoolers

·        Resilience for teens

I     ñ

Insurance Programs: 

·        Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) for Service Members and Families

      Life Insurance Programs


      SGLI Family Coverage

      SGLI Handbook

      TSGLI (Traumatic Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance)

·        Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance and Service in a Combat Zone

IRS — See “Tax Information”

J    ñ

K    ñ

Key Employees — Screening the Ready Reserve

·        DoD Directive 1200.7Screening the Ready Reserve

·        Mobilization Delays and Exemptions

L    ñ

Leave Options

Leave for Federal Civilian Employees — See “Military Leave” and “White House memo

Legal Services Information

Legal Assistance from the American Bar Association

Links to other Websites

·        Assistance from Service and Other Organizations

·        Calculate Benefits

·        Department of Defense

·        Military Services

·        Other Federal Government Links

·        Reserve Associations

·        Reserve Components

M   ñ

Mail — Free Mail

Medals — See Awards

Medical Benefits — See “TRICARE”

Medical Readiness

·        Deployment Health Clinical Center

·        Pre-Deployment Medical Readiness

·        Post-Deployment Health Assessment

      DD Form 2796 — Post Deployment Health Assessment

      DD Form 2900 — Post Deployment Health Reassessment

      DD Form 2697 — Report of Medical Assessment

·        Post Deployment Health Care

·        Post-Deployment Healthcare

·        Resources for Guard and Reserve Personnel

·        Resources for Guard and Reserve Families

      Health care information

      Talking to your children

      Deployment stress

      Deployment and the family

·        Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network — a DoD-Center for Disease Control collaboration

Military Leave for Federal Civilian Employees

·        Military LeaveFrequently Asked Questions

·        Military LeaveReturning Federal Civilian Employees

Military Personnel Record Requestfor Military Veterans from the National Military Personnel Record Center

N    ñ

O    ñ

OPM Compensation Policy Memorandum of September 14, 2001

·           Attachment 1 (Updated June 2003)
·        Attachment 2

P    ñ

Pay and Allowances
·        MyPay — Access to your military pay account
·        Military CompensationPay and Allowances, Retirement, Benefits, Tax Advantage, SBP, and TSP
·        Pay Tableincluding BAS and Special and Incentive Pays
·        Allowances:

-        BAH / BAH II

-        CONUS COLA

-        Overseas COLA

-        Overseas Housing Allowance

-        Dislocation Allowance

·        Income Replacement

-        Policy

-        Fact Sheet

-        Calculator

-        Frequently Asked Questions

-        Application Form — DD Form 2919

-        Points of Contact

·        Pay and Benefits Chart

        Basic pay

        Special and Incentive Pays

        Medical and Dental Care

        Commissary, Exchange, MWR

        Life Insurance


        Reemployment Rights

        Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act

Personnel and Pay Policy Guidance memo of September 20, 2001

Personnel and Pay Policy Guidance Revision memo of October 30, 2001

Personnel and Pay Policy Addendum memo of July 19, 2002

Personnel and Pay Policy Addendum II memo of January 7, 2004
Health Care Benefits for Reserve Component Members and Their Dependents

Personnel and Pay Policy Addendum III memo of February 11, 2005
Health Care Benefits for Reserve Component Members and Their Dependents

Presidential Documents — See “Executive Orders” and “White House Memo”

Presidential Proclamation 7463 of September 14, 2001
Declaration of National Emergency

Q    ñ

R    ñ

Reemployment Rights

·        Answers to Employee and Employer Issues

·        Army Legal Services — Click on “Reserve Components”

·        Department of Labor Fact Sheet — Job Rights for Reservists

·        Department of Labor Regulations

·        E-law USERRA Advisor — Department of Labor

·        Employee Benefits — Pension and Healthcare Coverage

·        Employee and Employer Issues

·        Employment Law Guide for Uniformed Service Members

·        Frequently Asked Questions by Employers

·        Frequently Asked Questions by Employees

·        NCESGR Ombudsman Services and the Law

·        Non-Technical Resource Guide to USERRA from the Department of Labor

·        Return to Civilian Employment

·        The Law

·        USERRA — Department of Labor

·        USERRA Limit Exemption memo of September 20, 2001

      Navy/Marine Corps USERRA Exemption Policy

      Air Force USERRA Exemption Policy

·        USERRA Regulations — published by the Department of Labor


S    ñ

Savings Deposit Program

·        General overview of the program

·        Section 1035 of title 10, United States Code — Deposits of Savings

·        DoD Financial Management Regulation — Savings Deposit Program

·        DFAS Information on the Savings Deposit Program

·        Savings Deposit Program FAQ

School Lunch Program

Secretary of Defense Memoranda

·        September 14, 2001Partial Mobilization and Redelegation of Authority

·        September 15, 2001Authorities related to the Ready Reserve of the Coast Guard

·        September 19, 2001Suspended restrictions on E-8 and E-9 grade ceilings

·        September 28, 2001Increased Air Force Ceiling

·        October 8, 2001Suspension of Personnel Tempo (PERSTEMPO) Management

·        October 13, 2001Increased Army, Navy and Air Force Ceilings

·        November 9, 2001Increased Air Force Ceiling

·        February 13, 2003Increased all Service Ceilings

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

(Formerly the Soldiers’ and Sailor’s Civil Relief Act (SSCRA))

·        Army Legal Services Click on “Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act”

·        Public Law 108-189 — Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

·        SCRA Information Paper

·        SCRA News Article

·        SSCRA-SCRA Crosswalk

SGLI — See “Insurance Programs
Small Business Owners—Assistance

·        Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Assistance

·        Military Reservist Economic Injury Loans Fact Sheet

Students — Assistance for Student-Reservists

·        Information for student-reservists

·        Assistance available through the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges

·        Department of Education Letter — Loan Relief for Military Personnel Called to Active Duty

·        Department of Education — Relief for Borrower of Student Loans

·        Department of Education — Institutional Reporting Deadlines

·        Department of Education — Treatment of Student Loans for Mobilized Reservists

·        Student Loan Fact Sheet

·        Treatment of Student Loans — Federal Register

T    ñ

Tax Information

·        Tax Consequences of Receiving Per Diem

      IRS Publication 463, Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses

      Information Paper

      Letter from the Department of Treasury

      Section 134 of title 26, United States Code—The Internal Revenue Service Code

·        Tax Exclusion for Combat Zone Service

·        Tax Filing Delay—Armed Force Tax Guide…IRS Publication 3

·        Tax Rules —– FICA withholdings when employer continues to pay part or all of your civilian salary

      IRS Ruling 69-136

·        Tax information from the IRS for members of the Armed Forces

Thrift Savings PlanMilitary Participation in TSP

·        TSP Election Form

Transition Assistance Program

·        DoD Transition Assistance Program Portal

Transition Healthcare

·        Certificate of Creditable Coverage
·        TRICARE Eligibility Fact Sheet
·        TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Prime Remote — Eligibility Rules for Families of Guard and Reserve Members
·        TRICARE — Browse for information

·        TRICARE — The latest information about TRICARE

·        TRICARE Handbook
·        TRICARE Benefits

·        Early Access to TRICARE

·        Policy for Early Enrollment in TRICARE

·        TRICARE Standard

·        TRICARE Extra

·        TRICARE Prime

·        TRICARE Prime Remote (TPR)

·        TRICARE – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

·        TRICARE Demonstration Projects:  For families of reservists called to duty as a result of the September 11th terrorist attacks

TRICARE Reserve Select

·        TRS Program Description and Benefit

·        New TRS Options 

·        Personnel Policy — Qualifying to Purchase

·        Summary of Policy Guidance

TRICARE Dental Program (TDP)

·        TDP Information

·        United Concordia — TDP Contractor

·        TDP Benefits Booklet

·        Find a Dentist

TSGLI (Traumatic Servicemember’s Group Life Insurance) — See “Insurance Programs

U    ñ

Unemployment Insurance

·        General Facts

·        About Unemployment Insurance

·        Unemployment Compensation for Service Members

·        Find Your State

USERRA — See “Reemployment Rights”

V    ñ

Veterans’ Affairs Benefits

·        VA Benefits

      VA Compensation and Pension Benefits

      Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents

      Seamless Transition

      Transition Assistance for OIF/OEF veterans

      Benefits for Veterans

      Benefits for National Guard and Reserve members

      Summary of VA Benefits for Guard and Reserve Members

      Benefits for Dependents

      VA Benefits for Surviving Spouse

      VA Health Care

      VA Benefits Timetable

      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

·        VA Benefits — Afghanistan Veterans

·        VA Benefits — Iraqi Veterans

·        VA Benefits — Veterans and Dependents

·        VA Benefits — Veterans of Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom
and Other Theaters of Operation

·        VA Benefits Summary

VA Environmental Agents Service

VA Healthcare of Combat Veterans

·        OEF/OIF Veterans

·        VA Directive

·        News Release

·        Combat Vet Information

·        Frequently Asked Questions

VA Study of War-Related Illnesses

·        Home Page

·        Brochure

Veterans Hiring Preference — See “Federal Employment:  VetGuide and VetInfo Guide”

Volunteer Strategy

W   ñ

White House Memo — Leave for Federal Civilian Employees
Authorizes 5 days of leave of uncharged leave for returning activated military personnel

X    ñ

Y    ñ

Z    ñ