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so nice i'll tweet it twice: @Ashkan quote of the year: "VCs Are The New Record Labels." ("2009: The Year in VC")
@markreiboldt: no, actually most VCs died in 2002-2005... dead men walking last few years, except for the very BIG and nimble small.
Gmail gunning hard for YahooMail/Hotmail: Gmail=100M 40% (!) growth vs Yahoo/MSFT=250M each, +2% / -7% respectively
quote of the year: "VCs are the new record labels..." @Ashkan ("The Year in Venture Capital: 2009")
"iPhone MySpace Facebook Race To Micropayments" via @TechCrunch (+ also: via @JustinSmith)
agree peter rip @timoreilly good time to invest (i wrote 2 Dec chks) but gonna be bloodbath/shakeout for most sheep... er, VCs next few yrs
“Nine Habits of Highly SITH-cessful People” by guest blogger Darth Vader (brother of Chad Vader, Empire Market)...
"How to Promote a Brand New Blog" @sugarrae great stuff
dunno what Peter Rip is smoking but i sure as hell want some: "The Coming Venture Capital Boom"
busted 10K followers... not sure swearing like a pirate & linking / retweeting geek pr0n is fanworthy, but whatever guys i'm here for ya :)
@dannysullivan: "indescible drunkeness" is pretty darn meta... nice job & happy new year :)
@gaberivera i don't believe Techmeme is biased. but just in case: @GabeRivera, you're looking as sexy as ever.
@kevinmarks: N places with 10x or better greater adoption wins regardless. double-down on that if your grandma understands the UI.
@dewitt: agreed, but so can google, yahoo, msft. (and also: aol, facebook, myspace, ebay, amzn)
@dewitt: actually that's reason for using some form of protected / universal ID, tho not necessarily OpenID (& phishing will still happen)
@AhMEther just to clarify: @Joi is the one moving to Dubai not me :)
"Moving to Dubai" (sort of) interesting @Joi Ito decision re: "better global citizen" + Muslim/Arabic awareness
happy new year from tokyo: akemashite omedeto gozaimasu!
"US Air Force Rules of Engagement for Blogging" impressive flowchart diagram @timoreilly @jowyang check it out


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