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@steverubel if ur job is monitoring Twitter 4 what people are saying and engaging with them that's the only u can b 'productive' on Twitter
@kevinmarks if I really did that I'd turn blue every hour - GMail, GCode, GSites, GAE, GData, GDocs, isn't all that 'Googling' too?
apple store called - repair depot fixed the crack ( they caused ) and returned laptop without fixing orig problem, return to repair. GENIUS!
finding Firefox Autopager extension really cool to use on friends timeline, in addition to Power Twitter of course
AAPL support wanted me to pay 700$ to fix crack in a plastic MacBook w/aplcare+no crack when I turned it in. Supervisor apprvd free fix :-)
quite impressed with MS Office Mac licensng,moved Office folder off old PPC PwrBk onto ext HD then on to Intel MBP started Word - zero probs
RT: @kiruba F^%*. I brushed my teeth with shaving cream. Yet again!
@dotBen was that a hint on how you'd like to get compensated for your twitter authority project ?
Can someone pleeeease explain to me the point of following everyone who is following you ?
@jeffbarr Requester Pays looks like a really cool feature - might it be available in future for other AWS services ?
China’s prosperity will be induced by the state; in India, it may well happen despite the state (needs free login)...
I didn't sign up for Twply but if I had I would've created a throw away email address via - just a satisfied customer
@om here's to your continued good health in 2009
Interesting article on Ebay's ivory ban and why it may not do elephants any good
Robin Williams as the American Flag
@jayrosen_nyu re: curmudgeon discourse - dem's fightin' words :-)
@dailytwitter - my approach is part tongue-in-cheek and part from my own observations - not to be taken that seriously ;-)


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dom Sagolla rabble Livia Kevin S. Jerry Michalski Naina Redhu danah boyd Mary Hodder Ross Om Malik tedr Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Scott Beale Rob Hayes Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jackson West Dave Winer Christine Herron Glenda Carlos Granier Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest
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