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@AdeleMcAlear final personal note, I'm so giving up on my current company if they don't change. I'ts worse than a glacier.
@AdeleMcAlear an another side of that, I don't feel my opinions are 'wrong'. I'll practice patience, give them a hand, but get on it Pepsi
@adelemcalear I get that. But dang, can't anyone ever just jump in. Heck, they jumped in on those crazy ads. :)
okay, it's that time I sense. Time to slip off for a few hours of sleep.
@SusanIsk where is that, and wy would I want to go? Great food?
@RizzoTees she needs to improve herself yes, but not just her appearance, how about her voice/singing skills?
@adelemcalear You're correct there. It takes time. Perhaps i'm impatient as I want them to succeed sooner than later.
@AdeleMcAlear checked out their site today. Splash and flash. Highlights of ad stuff. Not conversation.
@AdeleMcAlear getting there in this house as well. Sadly it wont mean I get more sleep.
@adelemcalear yes, yes, engagement, but participation as well. Their own blog rocking these topics would be great, talking to us here +++
@abiteofsanity ahh, then you are good to go. Feel free to talk dirty. :)
@tiffrg better than most my friend. Blessed in many ways. Grumpy anyway. :)
I can haz hate for popunder ads as well.
@abiteofsanity w/IM across the room, sometimes kids are nosy. Be careful what you say. :)
@UndertheArch plunger maybe for the sinuses. :)
Do you ever feel like your responses might as well have come from @brendabot


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Alissa davegray Wayne Sutton Dobromir Hadzhiev Martin Hall Scott Beale Roderick thomasknoll Dan Patterson Chris Prakoso Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Keith Williams mdy Chaitanya Sagar Rich Lori White Chris Brogan Graham English Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Jason Drohn Beth Kanter Matt Homann Becky McCray Brian Clark Robert French Doug Haslam
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