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@Tojosan I tend to shy away from anything that could slide into "groupthink", no matter the political slant.
@pprlisa I ghostwrite for Keebler...
@Judith12 I'm not exactly sure how to interpret that... heh
@Tojosan Wouldn't such a scenario be decidedly unconservative by definition? Walkouts and sick-outs aren't core conservative principles.
Attention granola-rolling vegan across the cube from me: I appreciate your concern, but I don't need 10 minutes of shots on my lunch choice.
@PragueBob The problem with universal declarations is Planet R1GX never ratifies anything we ever pass.. ;)
Utah Phillips: "Don't ever let them call you a valuable natural resource. Have you seen what they do to valuable natural resources?"
Another nibble: Flickr Photo Meme Cleanup, Aisle Six
@bc I think you could fit a bit more in if you tried hard enough.
@chrisbrogan I hit that plateau a year ago. I'm convinced at this point I am probably too niche for it to move anymore.
@Pewari Ha... It's more the bigger names I'm referring to, of course, but that got a chuckle. :)
Wondering why I continue to follow some people who don't even reply to one @ out of ten. Might be time to trim my list some.
@bldngnerd Every time a video is encoded in flash, a semiconductor somewhere dies...
@selves Yea... well, it's a treat... give me a little break. :)
Having a real Coke... you know, with actual sugar in it.
@bldngnerd Sore. Little frazzled from driving in the muck this morning. I hate winter driving.
Another nibble: Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground (Photo)
Toys charging for tomorrow and I'm off to bed. Good night, Twitter. Be good to each other.
@bluereadergal @hidama Falling on the ice is much worse than driving or walking on it. Trust me... I know... Firsthand, even.
@justinbrooke I used to follow everyone... now I just can't and still participate in intelligent conversation.


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