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Jackson is asleep - again!
New blog post: Oh Hey, How About an Eggnog?
Watching Chris Anderson on Le Web Ustream. The last time I saw him he was buying drinks at Revolution in Bath!
Spent a nice day hanging out in front of the fire with the fam
Thinking about making our first Christmas Snow Village - like this one
Getting ready to go to our first Christmas party of the season. Sparkle ahoy!
Jackson just had his first sandwich - what a brilliant invention they are.
Sorry was updating some old blog posts and my auto-tweet is tweeting it. oops
New blog post: Shuush! Secret Santa
Just realised that I missed Dorrit last night - no TV - long story. That means I have two episodes to watch. Yey! - Maverick, requesting flyby!
STILL waiting for something I ordered from over two weeks ago. Sigh!
okay so a seed company wants to send me some free seeds so I can review them. Recognition at last!'s only taken three years
Watched a scary programme about gun crime in Philadelphia. We're never moving there.
Hopefully Carole Klein will sign my book tonight - I'm such a fan girl
Whoa! Jackson's teeth are like little razor saws!
ooh ooh all excited


tedr Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dan Cederholm Cal Henderson Tantek Çelik Tom Coates Paul Boag Richard Moross Lisa P Ryan Carson Jeff Croft Kevin Rose Olly Headey James McCarthy Paul Lomax Keir Whitaker Dooce Gary Vaynerchuk joleeen martacarson Alex Barrera Rik Penny gelimehouse Mark Boulton kerrifoster Pumpkinsouper Jackson Carson mike kus Jason Fried Simon Mackie Kristin Semmens Stephen Fry emma kus jessicacumley