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@neilperkin try working the banner click thru rate out as a % of possible things to click on a page... isn't 99.5% fail then.
had some good meetings in London this morning. but vodafone's broken and isn't pushing work emails to my Treo - cant send or receive :(
quite tempted to buy on ebay..! (
stressed. Tomorrow's last day in office til 5th Jan. In Reading tomorrow, London on Friday, Iceland Saturday, Canada Monday! Not packed yet.
my old boss at IPC just got the top job...
Planning a trip down to London for Thursday and Friday (although will be in Reading on Thursday morning)
@currybet down for maintenance is very 1995. If they were 2008 they'd put up the broken new version and call it 'beta' ;)
@mashable so apparently Scotland isn't a country, according to !
@Protoshare Any plans to deal with page states? eg logged in and not logged in
faux-christmas weekend with the family has knackered me out. real christmas is in canada this year.. fly on saturday, via iceland
just saw Bob Hoskings walking down Deangate
@ryancarson does the world really need another web-based project management tool....? :)
@tonylucas I know cloud computing's all the rage, but how much is good old fashioned co-lo these days...?
I'm quite excited by the prospect of Christian Bale playing John Connor in Terminator 4....
Sore throat / cold + trying to converse at a loud party = no voice :(
Off to the Manchester Publicity Association lunch in a bit... (
The IWF lifted the ban on the Virgin Killer's CD cover, so I can access Wikipedia again! Makes you wonder what else NTL is censoring though.
4pm is such a stupid time to shut a coffee shop - just as your caffeine-blood levels are hit dangerously low levels!
@MichelleDewbs are you giving away equity for the winning name? :-)


Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jason Calacanis Alan Bradburne Ian Jindal Brian Clark Hickensian David Stone Simon Willison Tom Coates Bobbie Johnson Richard Moross Robert Scoble Dave Nattriss Mike Butcher Mel Kirk Lisa P Ryan Carson Neil McIntosh Scott Rutherford Gillian Carson Danny Amey Philip Wilkinson James Cridland James Pearce Jeffrey Zeldman Dave Child Danny Bull Robert Andrews technokitten jamescoops Jamie van Dyke Khoi Vinh Dan Jemima Kiss Werner Vogels
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