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Leta, I don't think I need to give you a reason why I refuse to smell your feet.
It was obviously a man who coined the term "morning" sickness, she says as she throws up dinner.
Every morning for the past three days Leta has eaten four pancakes for breakfast. Then she announces that the baby in her tummy is a girl.
I ate twelve meals today, and only one of them included potato chips. However, all of them included ketchup.
"Can you actually eat turkey testicles?" "Of course! It's called tendergroin."
Leta is so occupied with her 9-yr-old cousin that we are thinking of renting her five times a week.
FYI: It is entirely possible to consume a whole pan of rice krispie treats in less than four minutes.
Chris Martin on Utah: "This place is crawling with superbabes."
Jon got me 9th row seats to Coldplay. Close enough to fling my panties on stage. TOTAL KEEPER.
Jon: "I'm at the grocery store, should I pick up anything?" Me: "You are a brave man asking me that question."
It is a crime that salt and vinegar potato chips aren't offered on more breakfast menus.
Off to throw up lunch. You have no idea how long I've waited to twitter that.
Haven't twittered in a week only to resume with: hey, Photoshop, kindly bend over and grab your ankles.
Los Angeles is spectacular today. Forgot how much I missed it.
How many years of hard-earned goodwill did the Mormon church squander with the Prop 8 debacle...
Obama, Chuck yours if you just ask.
And the hatemail from bitter McCain supporters begins.
Jesus H. Christ, Barack H. Obama. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
Glass of champagne to top off that bag of Pringles, that bag of *comfort* Pringles.
Makes me so proud that a crowd that big in Chicago has gathered for something more important than a pro sports game. Awesome, America.


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