PastaQueen’s Favorites

Joshua Green Allen
fireland Just found a Post-It wedged in my navel that says: "Lose weight and take more showers!!" OMG it's dated 4/24/05.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland I drank the liquid inside a Magic 8-Ball. My doctor said "outlook not so good" and then gave me a prescription for that "total burn."
jenfoo p.s. please favorite this tweet if you <3 me.
Amy Hoy
amyhoy thomas and i are having A Marital Disagreement. i think transmit is the best sftp client. he says cyberduck is the bomb & he HATES transmit.
skwigg I just watched a squirrel tumble off the roof, hit an iron patio table and bounce. Mondays are rough even for the rodents.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin Hopefully the "major character is replaced by a black man" thing will last longer for America than it did for Iron Man or Green Lantern.
Amy Hoy
amyhoy employment - not only like strip-mining your future, but also like Stockholm Syndrome. NEVER feel guilty for leaving an abusive employer.
mymsie Snippet from Pogue article about IT terms: "There are 2 industries that refer to their customers as "users" - technology and illegal drugs."
Amy Hoy
amyhoy fercrissakes, stop logging me out! you're not a fucking financial institution! nobody cares!
iamfiction Can politics be considered a fandom?
Darren Rowse
problogger always amazes me the questions that people send that you can get the answer for by simply googling their question word for word :-)
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Just stocked up on thirty pounds of Halloween candy. I'll be dressing up as Me Except Fatter again this year.
Kathy Sierra
KathySierra "It turns out, the answer to all our problems is... common sense."
skwigg Why am I looking at KitchenAid mixers? They're stupidly expensive and if I had one I would bake things.
Wil Wheaton
wilw Note to people who still want to fight the Cold War: There's this neat game called RISK, where nobody has to actually die. Check it out.
Matthew Baldwin
matthewbaldwin War in Afghanistan, rising US / Russia tensions. This WATCHMEN ad campaign is amazing.
netshade I am a bucket of vaginas!!! !!!


Noah shauna Rachel Kramer Bussel Joshua Green Allen Erik Goens chrisz Barack Obama DanaDanger henry copeland Matthew Baldwin Mymsie Dooce marci alboher Kevin Poortinga mimi smartypants Tanya Patrice Ellen Gerstein Indianapolis Weather erinjshea Erik Deckers wendy_mc Chris Vannoy Matthew Rogers songza snidecomment KyleHepp mattgipson dincandela skwigg sweeneyjon jennasourus Shauna Reid Penelope Trunk thatsmybix blogINDIANA Indianapolis Star