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Learned a lesson about backing up my hard drive, but so happy that my pics and vids are coming back home. thanks
@schmo138 It's so easy to blame the technology. :)
@NealTaflinger The best damn Christmas village in town. You know, for the kids. ;) Sad isn't it.
pulling out the Dept. 56 crap Whoa it's a "Holiday in Suburbia" for sure now.
@indystar_shop Kohls on 82nd street by fashion mall also crazy at 8am.
Heard this song today, and it just fit my mood. I know it's "girly".
Alwyas back up your sh*t. After 25 years of personal computing, my drive crashed. cost = $1300 to restore. images/videos lost=priceless.
One day into my 39th year, and I feel great. Thanks to all that have helped me get this far.
@indystar_erika @indystar_shop Yes Erika, I'll start following you guys. Welcome to Twitter, the tweeting are great.
@sgoldman Newspaper websites are even cooler. ;)
Take a look at, I think we look really great!
@indystar Just voted at Castleton Nazarene Church, quick and efficient. Don't forget about free coffee at Starbucks after you vote.
A fall drive down to Bloomington is good for the soul. There were some dramatic changes on Third and Atwater... More later.
Now for a little weather report. Does anyone use Blip?
Of course the only way to listen to Tom Waits circa 1975 is on LP. Thanks Sadie for introducing him to me.
Great soundtrack for working inside on a beautiful day, Tom Waits-Nighthawks at the Diner. What's on your playlist?
Wilco fans, tune into the Cobert Report.
@indystar If you haven't voted yet, IndyStar can help you out.
Things that don't mix: Halloween candy, and painting a basement floor with with no open windows and a fan. Going to bed with a weird buzz.
@sgoldman I have been a resident of the land for quite sometime. I'm becoming more involved.