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Retweeting @anthonyfranco: iPhone App Store - The Differentiation Paradox : awesome post.
@cephus holy crap. what's this? a 10 book series? that's more than Dallas!
@cephus sword of Ultimate truth? Couldn't resist. Will look it up
@cephus LOLyeah but you have to know it's even a series to suspect it, LOL
@cephus it's in my wishlist actually. Fantasy works too
I really hate it when books in a series, don't just have a freakin number! It's too hard to figure out which came first for a new reader!!
@chrishough d'oh, that's weird my install was actually not the suck Iexpected after CS3. bummer man
@reboog711 funny that it won two YA centric awards, yet the author tries to make it clear it's not YA. why not just go with it. YA is HUGE
@quetwo you know I never did. I've thought about it over and over, and wishlisted every damn book, but they never sound that great.
@skabber Oh, is anathem better than snow crash? That really let me down
@skabber I've seen anathem pop up from time to time, I'll take another look. @dbrogdon Never heard of that one. Taking a look
man. trying to find a good sci fi book to read is tough. Any suggestions! Throw 'em out there!
@chuckstar get some taco time. mmmm say hi to @ryanstewart
@MrNonRespondo nice Ithink Isaw that on a menu or something. Awesome that you were there. sucks they were closed.
@thillerson yeah walked down to lunch, t-shirt. carried my jacket since I got too hot. w00t! my kinda december!
looking at VisualCV: might be interesting
Tummy full of Mongolian BBQ. mmmm maybe time for a nap -
I'm at Blake St & 27th St (Blake St, Denver, CO 80205, USA) -


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