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@scottjanousek Was that in Hartford? I was at that event.
I lost a business card that I wanted to keep. : kicksself:
Just snapped a guitar string while re-stringing. Been ages since I've done that.
My personal Webpage from the Tech Museum in San Jose:
Re-arranging my desk
WTF would I care if Obama has / uses a Zune vs an iPod ? Is this really worthy of front page news?
Retweeting @datafaucet: For my followers with autism in the family, the announcement of "autism twitter day" :)
Apparently I stopped getting e-mail notifications that people are following me. I just added a bunch of people who seemed legit enough.
Retweeting @rosskimbarovsky: If cars improved as fast as data centers, they would average 163 miles per gallon.
@datafaucet I that one yours? Awesome picture.
Half way through finishing an episode of !5Flex. Already thinking about Dinner.
I'm slowing down; time to take a lunch break me thinks.
@cfjedimaster Showers are a great time to think.
@rosskimbarovsky Glad you address the "working harder" vs "working smarter" distinction.
What are some language agnostic development tools that you use? ( Examples: ANT, SVN, ServiceCapture, Eclipse )
I'm on a roll today; gonna try to keep up w/ it.
Anyone try to combine WebKit w/ Alchemy yet?
Idea of the moment: Somehow integrating a product like Robohelp w/ Flex Builder for ASDoc creation.


Scott Janousek Mike Chambers Ryan Stewart Critter Mike Downey Daniel Dura Dave Konopka Jordan Snyder Ted Patrick Blaine Bradbury Peter Elst Keith Peters Jesse Warden Ed Herrmann Brandon Ellis Kevin Hoyt John W Fisher II Serge Jespers John Crosby Flex Framework ApolloCamp Jun Heider polyGeek Tom Cornilliac Doug Laakso Ely Greenfield James Ward David Coletta John WIlker Tom Ortega 360Flex John Dowdell Simeon Bateman Randy Troppmann Jen Floyd
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