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@StopStalkingMe You couldn't wait one more night so that your DD could attend?
$15 for wireless Internet... This is one expensive airport hotel.
@minorjive LOLOL. That had to be it.
@minorjive no sesame seeds at all. The patty is smaller than you would expect and was poorly positioned on the bun. Tastes good, but $18?
@minorjive hehe. I'll do an assessment when it arrives as to the degree of human intervention.
@oo00_Mr_K_00oo oh no! I didn't look at the price on the beer-- guessing $9. I'll let you know...
$18 for a burger. This had better be world class.
Wow, a follow by @cesarmillan. How cool is that? I think I'll follow back. :$
Needing to find a cab to Logan. You'd think they would put their phone numbers on their receipts.
@floyddean More easily said by someone who hasn't had to actually live through the experience.
@floyddean You know it. I'm definitely having to get in touch with my feminine side. Serious toxicity issues.
It was nice seeing @kanter at our Boston tweetup last night. Thank you Beth for coming to see us!
One more day of sense-making. Can't wait to use this stuff for real:
Time for our Boston tweetup- W00T!
@rphelps Isn't that an oxymoron? How is it OA if it is closed?
@slichtensteiger and you would expect the transition team to do what about the DMCA?
Who needs pownce when we have
It truly is a new day! Wow, wow, wow, and hurray!


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Buzz Andersen Mary Hodder Wayne Sutton Mack D. Male Ammon Casey Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Robert Occhialini Martin Hall Thomas Vander Wal Antonio Edward Jay Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Susan Scrupski mdy Sooz Lisa Chaitanya Sagar Scott Hussein Rafer Arnold John Roberts Abby Brian Russell Jackson Fox Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Chris Wilson drew olanoff Whitney Hoffman
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