Abernathy Fish Technology Center
Pacific Region

Applied Research Program in Conservation Genetics

The Program conducts applied research to: 1) Support the management needs of the Pacific Region’s 18 National Fish Hatcheries; 2) Use genetic DNA methods to meet real-time fishery needs to conserve and manage throughout the Pacific Region; 3) Assist with Endangered Species Act status reviews and recovery planning, via genetic monitoring and evaluation of listed populations and species; and 4) Establish and maintain the USFWS’ genetic tissue/DNA repository for bull trout.

Capabilities/Technical Services:

To learn more about the technical services provided and read some sample research projects please click one of the above links.

Program Head:
Denise Hawkins, Regional Geneticist

Christian Smith, Conservation Geneticist and Lab Manager
Pat DeHaan, Fish Geneticist
Vacant, Fish Geneticist
Matt Diggs, Geneticist
Lindsay Godfrey, Geneticist
Vacant, Student Trainee

Last updated: September 8, 2008
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