Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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Town Information

Community Directory

Community Directory
Town of Holland - Town Clerk
Sandra Smith 537-9443
HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, 1:00 to 5:00 PM; Wednesday 4:00 - 9:00 PM
Deputy Town Clerks: Tammy Adsitt and Lisa Bennett
Pay Water Bill At Town Hall - 47 Pearl St.
Town Justices:
William Franczak
Christopher H. O'Brien
Holland Town Court:
Thursday Night - 7:00 P.M.
Court Clerk: Cheryl Post 537-2770
Zoning Enforcement officer:
Michael Sluce 537-9499
Public officer:
Michael Sluce 537-9499
Mondays & Fridays 9:00 AM - 12 Noon; 1:00 – 4:00PM
Chairman: Marcia Hazlett 537-9443
Mark Hereth
Donald Wilson
Building Permits & Ordinances:
Scott Hess 537-9443
Town Hall: Tuesday & Wednesday: 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Fire Code Enforcement officer:
Michael Sluce 537-9499
Dog Warden:
Bill Newell 537-2910
Highway Superintendent:
Patrick Joyce 537-2201
Town Garage:
Edgewood Drive 537-2201
Fire Department:
Emergency 911
Emergency 911
Holland Community Center:
(Formerly Legion) Located On Legion Drive
Available For Rental: Birthday Parties, Showers Weddings.
Outside Shelter Available.
Call: 537-2369
Planning Board:
First Wednesday of The Month: 7:30 P.M.
Holland Town Hall
Robert Weisner: Chairman 537-4835
Town Board:
Second Wednesday of The Month: 8:00 P.M.
Board of Assessors:
Monday: 6:00 -7:00 P.M.
Assessors Clerk – June McArthur: 537-9443
Tax Collector:
June McArthur 537-9443 Ext 3
Po Box 404
Holland, New York 14080
Fax: 537-2727
Mondays and Fridays, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Holland Post Office: 537-9400
Board of Appeals: 537-2051
Judith Geer, Chair. Meeting Dates: As Needed
Holland Constabulary:
1st Monday of Every Month
Dave Buresch: Captain 537-9694
General Town Rubbish Collection:1-800-330-7107
Garbage, refuse and recyclables are collected by NEI on Friday. Four bags and one large item may be placed at roadside weekly. Any questions call NEI: 824-3766. The Town may pick up appliances on Mondays from April through October. Call 537-9443 to schedule an appointment. Click here for a list of roads
NEI 824-3766
Appliance Pick Up:
Any Monday from April to September must call 537-9443
Erie County Sewer District #3:
Holland Sewage Treatment Plant 537-9049
Sewer District Office 823-8188
Evenings, Weekends, Holidays 823-8704
Holland Central School District Board of Education:
Joseph Kujda, President
Neal Winch, Vice President
Michael Liddle
Brian Andrzejewski
Frederick Thurnherr
Ronda Strauss
Holland Central School
Pearl St 537-8200
Mr. Gary Stone, Superintendent
Mr. Gary Stone, School Business Administrator
Ms. Pamela Schunk, Elementary
Mr. Eric Lawton, Middle School
Mr. James Biryla, High School
Town Historian
Holland Cemetery Association
Geoff Hack537-3191
Holland Democratic Club
Marcia Hazlett