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Beautification Committee

Welcome to the Town of Holland.

As Councilwoman for the Beautification Committee, I would like to welcome you to think about becoming a member.

Our volunteers play a role that can be seen all seasons and all through our Town.

Our meetings are held at the Holland Town Hall at 7 PM on the following dates:

Feb. 11th, March 10th, April 14th, May 5th, June 9th, July 14th, Aug. 11th, Sept. 8th, and Oct. 13th.

We also meet once a month which is called Clean-Up day from 9 am - 11 am in the Town parking lot. We break off into groups to pick up trash, weeds and any other need. We often have groups that join us on that day such as Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts. Dates we meet are: April 5th, May 3rd, June 7th, Aug. 2nd, Sept. 6th and Oct. 4th.

Your participation can be as much or as little. Come meet our members.

Thank You.
Roberta Herr