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Continuous Improvement

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Performance Criteria

Environmental Performance Table

Applicants need to demonstrate past achievement in at least two environmental aspects in any of the categories above in the current and preceding year. Applicants also commit to future improvements in at least four environmental aspects, drawn from two or more categories. Two of these aspects may be in the same category, and they may be the same as those used to demonstrate past performance.

Some EPA Regions offer Performance Track "challenge goals" that address a regional or national environmental priority. When a Performance Track applicant makes a challenge goal, that single challenge goal may be counted as two performance goals. The applicant then only has to make three future goals rather than the standard four, so long as one of the goals addresses the regional or national priority. For more information, please visit the challenge goals page.

Renewing facilities can now propose alternate goals. Alternate goals are meant to encourage facilities to pursue initiatives that enhance environmental performance but don't fit within the bounds of standard Performance Track performance criteria. For more information, please visit the alternate goals page.

Facilities are encouraged to set goals for more than the minimum. Aspects are chosen by the facility, not by EPA. Goals for improvement should relate to the facility's significant environmental aspects identified in the EMS and should take into account local environmental priorities and pollution prevention opportunities.

In documenting past achievements and committing to continued improvement, facilities should not rely on any actions that represent compliance with existing legal requirements at the Federal, state, tribal, or local levels. Improvements should represent actions beyond existing legal requirements.

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Participation in Partnership Programs

EPA encourages each facility to use the results of its participation in EPA, state, and other partnership programs to document its achievements in improving performance. Participation in a partnership program would not on its own qualify a facility, but improvements that occur in the context of such a program would.

For more information about EPA's many Partnership Programs, please visit EPA's Partners for the Environment.

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