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Small Business Criteria

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Definition of "Small Business"

To promote participation by small facilities in Performance Track, EPA has changed the small facility designation to include any facility with fewer than fifty full-time employees. This provision would encourage small facilities in larger companies to participate in Performance Track. This program change replaces the Small Business Administration criterion that previously applied to small facilities seeking membership in Performance Track. The requirement for small facilities to a) demonstrate past achievements in one environmental aspect from any category and b) commit to two future environmental performance improvements remains unchanged.

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Modified Criteria

Small businesses have been active participants in innovative programs such as the EPA Sustainable Industries Progam, Design for the Environment, voluntary partnership programs, and EMS projects with local governments. Qualified small businesses, facilities, and local governments are encouraged to participate in the National Environmental Performance Track as well.

Based on input from small business representatives, certain provisions were designed to meet their special needs:

EPA has held numerous discussions with representatives of small business interests and is encouraging participation by qualififed small businesses and their facilities.

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