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About the Federal Lands Highway Program

The Federal Lands Highway Program (FLHP) was created by the 1982 Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) and signed by the President on January 6, 1983. Today's FLH program is subdivided into four core areas, namely, the Indian Reservation Roads, Park Roads and Parkways, Refuge Roads, and Public Lands Highway Programs. The Public Lands Highway Program consists of the Forest Highway and the Public Lands Highway Discretionary Programs.

The primary purpose of the FLHP is to provide financial resources and technical assistance to support a coordinated program of public roads that service the transportation needs of Federal and Indian lands. It brought together for the first time a consolidated and coordinated long-range program funded under the Highway Trust Fund. One of the major factors associated with the success of the program is the Federal Highway Administration's strong relationship with our Federal,State, local, and tribal partners.


The FLH vision is: Creating the best transportation system in balance with the values of Federal and Tribal lands.


We continually improve transportation access to and through Federal and Tribal lands through stewardship of FLH programs by providing balanced, safe, and innovative roadways that blend into or enhance the existing environment; and by providing technical services to the transportation community.

FLH Organization Chart

Mailing Address / Phone /Fax:

The Office of Federal Lands Highway
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE.
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: (202) 366-9494
Fax: (202) 366-7495

Picture of Roads

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