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The primary purpose of the FLHP is to provide financial resources and technical assistance to support a coordinated program of public roads that service the transportation needs of Federal and Indian lands.

The total area of America's 50 States is 2.3 billion acres. The Federal Government has title to about 650 million acres, or about 30 percent of the total area of the United States. Federal and Indian lands are managed by various Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMA) within the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Defense. A FLMA is defined as any Federal agency or organization that manages or maintains a portion of the lands that are under the direct jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

It is important to remember that each FLMA and each individual site managed by the FLMA has a unique mission for preserving and protecting its resources while providing access to those resources for the enjoyment of the public. Federal and Indian lands have many uses including but not limited to recreation, range and grazing, timber, minerals, watersheds, fish and wildlife, and wilderness. These lands are also managed to protect natural, scenic, scientific, and cultural values. Recreation use has significantly increased.

Difference Between Federal Lands Highway and Federal-aid Program(s): Before we proceed further, it is important to clarify some terms. The FHWA administers both the "Federal Lands Highway" and "Federal-aid" Program(s). What is the difference?

The Federal Lands Highway Program provides funding (about $1 billion per year) for constructing, preserving, and improving public roads and highways that access and cross through federally owned and tribal lands. These roads are not a State or local government responsibility, but a Federal responsibility. Conversely, the Federal-aid Highway Program provides Federal financial resources (about $40 billion/year) and technical assistance to State and local governments for constructing, preserving, and improving the roads that make up the National Highway System and the Interstate System.





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