Frequent questions

How may I participate in the conversation?

The blog will be open to the public for commenting. Comments are moderated according to our Comment Policy. The views expressed on the site by non-federal commentators do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the federal government.

In what order do the posts appear on the blog?

Posts are added in reverse chronological order, with the newest post at the top of the home page. To find older posts, you can use the “previous post” function at the bottom of the page.

What is "Subscribe to this blog's feed"?

You can use the link as a way to subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog. RSS or news readers allow you to be automatically notified of new posts to this blog when you subscribe. In order to subscribe you will need an RSS news reader or the most current web browser. There are many free news readers you can install on your PC; use any of the popular search engines to find one. The latest versions of many of the most popular web browsers also function as news readers.

What is a Permalink?

A Permalink is a link to a blog post’s unique Web page.  This is the link best used if you want to bookmark a specific entry.

What is a Trackback?

A Trackback is a link to a blog post’s unique web page which automatically notifies that blog that you have referenced it within your own post.

How does the blog's move to a new Web address affect me?

On November 1, 2007, Flow Of The River was moved to a new Web address: Now the blog will accept comments and also offer easier ways to bookmark.  Any existing bookmarks you have to blog entries on the old site will continue to work for several months.  However, please make any new bookmarks (or update your existing bookmarks, if you wish) using pages on this new site.  More about the blog move. Flow Of The River is hosted by Six Apart, Ltd.

Where can I find more information about EPA?

Please visit