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April 16, 2008

More Flow

I think federal agencies should blog more.  That includes EPA. 

Starting today this blog is going to broaden its purview.  You will see more EPA employees blogging about more topics.  There won't be any more "Guest Blogs."  Every entry will have its own byline showing who the author is.  They'll all be open to comments.

Just because the Flow of the River will be broader, doesn't mean it will be slower.  I, for instance, will continue to blog under my own byline.  There will be a lot more entries on a lot more topics.  You'll also start seeing more improvements to the look and feel of the blog.  Unlike a real river, the Flow is getting wider and stronger.


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Thank you so much for this blog and for the opportunity for the EPA to step out into Web 2.0 with our message and mission.

right on, Marcus! Hopefully this will inspire other agencies to start blogging & realize that it's a useful tool to interact with the public in a meaningful way. Bravo!

Marcus, surely you meant to say the blog is going to broaden "its" purview?

On a perhaps slightly more substantive note than "its" versus "it's" (or how many letters do you have to subtract from "environmental" to get mental....) What are the criteria for EPA employees besides Marcus to blog? Of course, I assume there are some criteria or measures that will be applied! It seems like this would be a good topic to discuss. Inquiring minds want to know.

Steve, quite right, "its" not "it's". Ill probably have that corrected even though the post has been up for a few days.

As for you're second question. I wont have an answer for that until Tuesday.

Marcus, let no one say you dont have a sense of humor, and thats much appreciated! ;-)

So, Steve, if you want to post a blog on the new site make a request to your office communications director/public affairs director or your Regional Administrator/Assistant Administrator/Associate Administrator. The Office of Public Affairs now manages the site which makes life a lot easier for Rocco and me.

Thanks again for pointing out the mistake.

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