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Cooperative Conservation



About Partnerships

Cochella Valley Reserve boundary sign. Coachella Valley Reserve is jointly managed by Bureau of Land Management California, Department of Fish & Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Nature Conservancy.

Who We Are…
The Service helps protect a healthy environment for people, fish and wildlife, and helps Americans conserve and enjoy the outdoors and our living treasures. The Service's major responsibilities are for migratory birds, endangered species, certain marine mammals, and freshwater and anadromous fish. Scientifically-informed and technologically-based stewardship of our public lands, waters, wildlife and special places - if it is to succeed - must be done in collaboration and partnership with the Service, with other governmental entities and, most importantly, with the citizens who share and give form to our mission.

We are committed to building partnerships to encourage conservation and preserve our natural and cultural resources bringing innovative approaches to solving land management and water disputes in the most environmentally protective manner.

Here are some of our successful partnerships stories…



Last updated: October 7, 2008