
About Partnerships

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Cooperative Conservation




U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partnership Contacts:

Coastal Program
Martha Naley, 703-358-2201, Martha_Naley@fws.gov

Coastal Wetlands Grants
Sally Valdes, 703-358-2201, Sally_Valdes@fws.gov

Endangered Species Partnerships
Claire Cassel, 703-358-2390, Claire_Cassel@fws.gov

North American Waterfowl Management Plan - Joint Ventures
David Smith, 703-358-1784, David_A_Smith@fws.gov

Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Martha Naley, 703-358-2201, Martha_Naley@fws.gov

Partners in Flight
Steve Sheffield, 703-358-1714, Stephen_M_Sheffield@fws.gov

Program and Partnership Support
Laury Parramore, 703-358-1711, Laury_Parramore@fws.gov

Refuge Partnerships
Trevor Needham, 703-358-2392, Trevor Needham@fws.gov

“Walk a Mile in My Boots” Initiative
Angela Graziano, 304-876-7479, Angela_Graziano@fws.gov

Western Hemisphere Program
Gilberto Cintron, 703-358-1765, Gil_Citron@fws.gov

Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program
Kris LaMontagne, 703-358-2156, Kris_E_LaMontagne@fws.gov

For more information about Interior’s partnership programs, please contact our bureau partnership coordinators:

Bureau of Land Management
Rich Whitley, 541-618-2305, Richard_Whitley@blm.gov

Bureau of Reclamation
Bruce Brown, 202-513-0599, BBrown@usbr.gov

Minerals Management Service
Debbie Gibbs Tschudy, 303-231-3301, Deborah.Gibbs_Tschudy@mms.go
Terry Holman, 202-208-4120, Terry.Holman@mms.gov

National Park Service
Chris Jarvi, 202-208-4829, Christopher_Jarvi@nps.gov

Office of Surface Mining
Sarah Donnelly, 202-208-2826, SDonnell@osmre.gov

U.S. Geological Survey
Stan Ponce, 703-648-7043, SPonce@usgs.gov

Bureau of Indian Affairs
John Vitello, 202-208-5968

USDA Forest Service
Jan Engert, 202-205-1072, jengert@fs.fed.us

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Debra Stokes, 202-761-1736, debra.j.stokes@hq02.usasce.army.mil



Last updated: October 7, 2008