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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Workplace Safety

We generally consider crime prevention a residential or public place issue. We take steps to ensure the safety and security of our family, our valuables, and ourselves. However, there is one area we typically ignore. Many of us spend a great deal of our time in the workplace and don't take the appropriate steps to protect and secure this environment. The following crime prevention tips should be considered while in the workplace.

  • Keep your purse, wallet, keys (home and work), and other valuables with you or locked in a secure place.
  • Mark all personal items with your name and specific number with an engraver. Don't use your Social Security Number due to the proliferation of identity theft.
  • Establish a "buddy system " with a trusted coworker. Ask them to keep an eye on your desk or work area even for short periods of time.
  • Let a coworker know where you are at all times. Inform someone if you are running late, working late, or going out to lunch, and your approximate arrival time.
  • Walk to your vehicle with someone, or if not possible, ask for security assistance.
  • Approach and identify any strangers who are not part of the normal environment or if they are acting in a suspicious manner. If you are not comfortable doing this, contact security or management.
  • Report all suspicious behavior and activities to security and/or management immediately.
  • Do not announce your social plans to people you do not know.
  • Report all broken windows, locks, and lights to the appropriate person immediately. Also, report any maintenance issues like trash, debris, and graffiti that send a negative message to the community.
  • Evaluate possible "trouble spots " and report your concerns to the appropriate person responsible for maintaining these areas.
  • Parking lots or garages - Select a well-lighted, well-guarded parking garage. Always lock your vehicle, roll up your windows, take your keys, and remove all personal items from view. If you notice a stranger, leave immediately and notify security. Have your keys ready when you approach the car and lock the doors as soon as your get in.
  • Stairwells - Don't use stairs alone, especially if they are in isolated areas and are open to the public.
  • Elevators - Don't get into elevators with people who look out of place or behave in a strange or threatening manner. If you find yourself in this situation, get off as soon as possible.
  • Restrooms - Be aware that attackers can hide in stalls and corners.
  • Reception areas or service counters - Are employees equipped with a panic button for emergencies? Are cameras mounted to view the area and is someone monitoring the image? Do doors have panic locks that can be activated from the workstation?

Violence in the Workplace

Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer no to any of them, consult with your employer and encourage follow up.

  • Does your business have security guards and sign-in policies for visitors?
  • Does your employer provide safety training?
  • Could you recognize potentially violent employees?
  • Could you recognize early warning signs of violent behavior such as depression, unusual absenteeism, increased irritability, and problems at home?
  • Does your business have a referral process for victims of domestic violence and court issued restraining orders?
  • Does your employer provide a confidential employee assistance program?
  • Does your business have clearly identified employee procedures in case violence occurs and sanctions for violators?

APD Crime Prevention 924-3600

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