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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Burglary Prevention

Home Security Check List:

  • Keep doors locked when your are at home alone.
  • Close and lock windows when leaving your home.
  • Secure all swinging doors with dead-bolt locks. Use locking bars to secure sliding doors.
  • Don't hide spare keys. Give them to a trusted neighbor.
  • Check your smoke and alarm systems once a month.
  • Use automatic timers to turn indoor lights on and off to make it appear you are at home.
  • Ask a neighbor to watch over your home and pick up deliveries while you are away.
  • Identify your belongings by engraving an identifying number on your possessions.
  • Ask your police or sheriff's department for a home security survey and follow up by taking care of any deficiencies.
  • Join or start a Neighborhood Watch.

What is your open door policy?

Before you open the door, do you look:

  • through the peephole
  • out the window

Do you ask:

  • "Who are you?"
  • "What do you want?"
  • "Do you have identification?"

Do you refuse:

  • to let strangers in for phone calls? (Offer to make the call for them instead.)
  • to answer solicitors' questions without proper identification?


Do you know where your keys are?

Do you hide your key...
under the mat? In the flower pot? Over the door? In the carport?

The burglar will look...
under the mat, in the flower pot, over the door, in the carport.

Give that key to a trusted neighbor, not the burglar.

APD Crime Prevention 924-3600

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