Illinois Workers Compensation Commission

Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor

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Judicial training September 25-26, 2008; No hearings will be held 
Change of address form issued   
Chairman Ruth to resign; Arbitrator Jerry Jutila appointed Chairman  
Injured Workers' Benefit Fund collects record amount of fines 
New decision forms issued
Settlement and decision information added to website
Remove settled cases from the call
"WC" hardcoded on mainframe and web page 
Waukegan review site moved 
Proposed rule changes to fee schedule online 
Bring and pick up settlements at Chicago Reception in mornings

Change in process of mailing notices  
Workers' Compensation Fraud Unit issues first annual report 
Legislature amends Workers' Compensation Act  

Trials get priority
New features added to IWCC website
Mail call!

Think "Safety First" at work and at home

Injury report
Commission encourages more Settlement Days
Send court orders to Commission

Remember IWCC deadlines

Need help bringing a worker back to light duty?

The Commission offers a group email news service. Click here if you would like to receive an email when new items are posted to this page. Type "IWCC email news" in the subject line.


Judicial training September 25-26, 2008;
No hearings will be held

All arbitrators and commissioners will be in a judicial training program on September 25-26, 2008.  There will be no hearings or approval of settlement contracts.  Please do not bring petitioners to the Commission. 

posted 9/16/08

Change of address form issued

The Commission has created a form with which attorneys may notify the IWCC of a change of address.  If you do change your address, please submit one IC26 form for each case and be sure to include your attorney code number. 

posted 9/15/08


Chairman Ruth to resign;
Arbitrator Jerry Jutila appointed Chairman

Chairman Dennis Ruth will resign, effective October 2, 2008. Arbitrator Jerry Jutila has been appointed as the next Chairman of the Commission. For details, click here

posted 9/2/08

Injured Workers' Benefit Fund collects record amount of fines

In FY08, the Insurance Compliance Division collected a record number of fines: 66 employers with nearly 900 workers were found to be operating without insurance and paid $1.8 million in fines. Since January 1, 2006, the Commission has collected over $3 million in fines. All of that money will be used to pay benefits to victims of uninsured employers. To understand the eligibility requirements, go to our Injured Workers' Benefit Fund web page.

To help the Commission in quickly identifying eligible beneficiaries of the fund, we have developed a IWBF Request For Benefits and Affidavit form, which all individuals claiming eligibility for payments at the end of this fiscal year should immediately fill out and send to:

ATTN: Injured Workers' Benefit Fund Claim
Division of Insurance Compliance
Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission
100 W. Randolph St. #8-200
Chicago, IL 60601

revised 7/17/08; posted 6/20/08

New decision forms issued

The Commission has changed our decision forms to help us to quickly identify cases likely to be eligible for Injured Workers' Benefit Fund payments as well as cases where either Second Injury Fund or Rate Adjustment Fund benefits are due. The new decision forms, posted on our forms web page, have a box for arbitrators to mark whether benefits are owed from any of the three Commission-paid funds.

We have also changed the interest rate paragraph to reflect the fact that the interest rate is written on the cover page (the "Notice of Decision of Arbitrator") and does not need to be written again on the decision itself.

Finally, on the fatality decision forms, we added drop-down boxes to allow parties to select the appropriate benefit levels reflected in the 2005 amendments to fatality benefits.

The new forms are mandatory for all cases tried after July 1. The new forms are available in the fill-in-the-blank versions of Word and Adobe Reader pdfs. If you create your own forms, please make these adjustments.

Note: The Word forms may be modified to suit your printer specifications and the particulars of your case. Go to Tools/Unprotect Document; type in the password (iwcc (lower case)) and you can change the entire document. If you are having problems, check the settings on File/Page Setup. If the box is checked for a custom paper size, unclick it. You want a letter-size document with .5" margins.

posted 6/20/08

Settlement and decision information added to website

Good news! The online case information page now offers detailed information on the settlements and decisions of closed cases. A white button now appears in the upper right corner of the web page. Click that button to view document information regarding the terms of a settlement or arbitrator/Commission decision.

The web page contains all the decision/settlement information that appears on our mainframe computer system. Just as on our mainframe, if there are multiple documents on a case (e.g., an arbitration decision and a review decision), there will be more than one page of information, so scroll down to make sure you have seen everything that is on a case.

Please use this web page to obtain case information, rather than calling our Public Information staff. If you do call, they will be reading from the same screen that is displayed on your PC. This will free up our Public Information staff to give more time to callers with more substantive issues.

posted 6/20/08

Remove settled cases from the call

Please note that settled cases still remaining on the call for over three months past the settlement date can be removed from the call sheets in two different ways, depending on the documentation available:

It is preferred that a copy of the contract be provided if possible. Please send approved contracts directly to James Gentry, Central Files Supervisor, by fax (312/814-2885), email, or mail to our Chicago office.

In those rare instances where the contract cannot be located by the parties, the parties must complete the Order Removing Settled Case from the Call (IC34s) form, and obtain the arbitrator's approval to remove the case from the call. You do not have to complete this form if you provide a copy of the settlement contract as indicated above.

posted 6/20/08

"WC" hardcoded on mainframe and web page

If you are looking up a case on our mainframe computer or our case status information web page, you'll notice that the case number now has WC hard-coded. That means you no longer have to type WC each time you enter a case number.

For example, if you wish to look up case 08WC020304, type in "08" in the space before WC. In the space after WC, type in "020304."

Before 1985, the Commission numbered occupational disease cases as OD. These cases now appear as WC cases with an OD following the case number. To distinguish OD cases from WC cases with the same number, we have placed a "1" in the first field after the WC. If, for example, you wish to look up 78OD000500, you would type in "78" before the WC, then type "100500." The system will display back 78WC10500 OD.

For a brief time, the Commission identified settled cases as WS. To look up a WS case, type a "2" in the first field after the WC.

There are only a few thousand OD and WS cases, all of which are closed, so we do not anticipate these accommodations will be a problem.
Instead, it should now be easier for you to look up cases. Let us know if you have any questions.


posted 6/20/08

Waukegan review site moved

Commissioner Mason's review hearings in Waukegan will now be held in the County Board Office on the 10th floor of the Lake County Courthouse, 18 N. County Street. Please note that the arbitration call will continue to be held in the Jury Assembly Room of the Lake County Courthouse.

posted 5/15/08

Proposed rule changes to fee schedule online

NOTE:  The rules, guidelines, and fees linked below are NOT in effect now.  They are only proposals.  When the rule-making process has been completed, the final versions will be posted on the fee schedule web page.

To view the proposed changes to the Illinois workers' compensation fee schedule, click on the links below.

Proposed Rules   The IWCC documents begin on page 89 of the pdf.

Proposed Instructions and Guidelines    Deleted material is crossed through; new material is underlined.

Proposed Fees
*PDF formats*
Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Hospital Outpatient Radiology, Pathology and Laboratory, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Services Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Hospital Outpatient Surgical Facility Services Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Rehabilitation Hospitals


Proposed Fees
*Excel formats*
Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Centers Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Hospital Outpatient Radiology, Pathology and Laboratory, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Services Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Hospital Outpatient Surgical Facility Services Geozips 600-615 Geozips 616-629
Rehabilitation Hospitals






The Commission held two public hearings, one in Chicago and one in Springfield, at which individuals could comment on the proposed rules.  The deadline to submit written comments was April 21, 2008. We are now analyzing the comments and preparing responses to them, which we will submit to the Joint Committee of Administrative Rules (JCAR) and post online.  There will then be another 45-day period for JCAR to review the changes.  We will announce developments as they occur.

revised 6/24/08; posted 3/7/08

Bring and pick up settlements at Chicago Reception in mornings

Effective Monday, February 4, 2008, between 8 am and noon each day, attorneys should bring proposed settlement contracts to the Reception desk. The receptionist, Alice Thompson, will forward the contracts to arbitrators for their review and signature.

Attorneys should also collect approved contracts from the Reception desk in the morning.

After 12 noon, Central Files will collect unapproved contracts and distribute approved contracts. This change will give the Central Files staff time to pull files for morning trials. We appreciate your cooperation.

posted 2/1/08


Change in process of mailing notices

Please be advised that notices will now be mailed to you in a new manner. We have started using a new presort system that groups each day's notices by law firm and address, and inserts them into one envelope. This process will reduce postage costs, decrease the number of envelopes used, and improve the efficiency of the mailroom.

Any questions or comments regarding this new system should be directed to Amy Masters.

posted 10/25/07


Workers' Compensation Fraud Unit issues first annual report

In 2006, the Illinois Department of Professional and Financial Regulation received 74 reports of possible workers' compensation fraud, which caused the IDFPR to investigate 38 of those cases.

Of those 38 cases, 12 cases of employee fraud, involving $594,000 of possible fraud, and one case of employer fraud, involving $24,000, were referred for prosecution. The first workers' compensation fraud trial is set for September 2007.

Click here to read the report.

revised 9/28/07; posted 8/31/07


Legislature amends Workers' Compensation Act

During the Spring 2007 session, the legislature made three changes to the Workers' Compensation Act.


HB928 (PA 95-316, effective 1/1/08) creates a rebuttable presumption that a condition caused by a bloodborne pathogen, lung or respiratory disease, heart or vascular disease, hypertension, tuberculosis, cancer, hernia, or hearing loss experienced by a firefighter, emergency medical technician, or paramedic arose out of and in the course of employment and is causally connected to the employment, if the person was employed as a firefighter, EMT, or paramedic for 5 years or more at the time he or she files an application.


HB1795 (PA 95-26, effective 1/1/08) directs the Departments of Labor, Employment Security, and Revenue, Comptroller's Office, and the IWCC to cooperate under the Employee Classification Act by sharing information concerning any suspected misclassification, by an employer or entity, of employees as independent contractors.


SB223 (PA 95-331, effective 8/21/07) is a nonsubstantive measure that corrects obsolete cross-references and technical errors.

posted 8/31/07


Trials get priority

Chairman Ruth has established the following policies for arbitration:

1. Parties present and ready for trial shall be given priority over parties either not ready or those requesting pre-trials.
2. Parties will not be required by arbitrators to submit to pre-trials.
3. Parties who request a pre-trial will be given an opportunity for a pre-trial after trials have concluded.
4. All additional rules or requirements of arbitrators, as a condition to obtaining a trial, that are inconsistent with the mandate of Section 16 that procedures be simple and summary, shall be immediately discontinued.
5. All arbitrators will grant trials pursuant to Section 19(b) of the Act on any case where the petitioner is claiming past or current benefits remain unpaid, regardless of the petitioner's current work status. This includes past or future medical, TTD, and maintenance.  For example, if a petitioner has returned to work but TTD or medical remains unpaid, he or she has a right to a trial pursuant to Section 19(b).
6. All arbitrators at all downstate venues will begin conducting trials on each and every trial date listed on their schedule if requested to do so by the parties. Furthermore, the parties will not be required to wait through each day of the call until they are reached and may return for trial on the date they have chosen.
7. In December 2004, the Commission changed the continuance cycle from three months to two months, pursuant to Section 7020.60(a) of the Commission rules. Click here to read Chairman Ruth's memo explaining the switch from three-month to two-month continuance cycles.

revised 8/26/08


New features added to IWCC website

We are continually trying to improve our website.  Here's a list of recent improvements.


The Commission has created a group email news service.  Over 1,000 people have signed up. If you would like to receive IWCC news at the same time that the news items are posted to the website, send your email address to the web manager.  Type "IWCC email news" in the subject line.

When we receive a request to be added to the list, we send back a confirmation.  Some of these replies have come back as undeliverable.  Some of the group emails have also been rejected.  If you asked to be placed on the list and did not receive a confirmation or a subsequent group email, you may want to check your settings for your email.  You may be rejecting our emails as spam.  The emails will be sent from

2. Users may now search online for an employer's w.c. insurance carrier, thanks to information provided by the National Council on Compensation Insurance.  There are links in the right- and left-hand columns on our home page, or you may click here

The case information web page allows users to check the status of cases and obtain information about the settlements and decisions issued for each case.  This page is receiving 70,000 hits each month. We strongly encourage you to use this page: the online information is more readily available to you, and our Information staff will then be free to give time to callers with substantive questions.

Contact information for the attorneys is included, as are the status call dates, hearing location, and accident date. To protect employee and employer privacy, we do not include any personal information and we allow searches only by case number.

Because we update our database at night, the case screen is available Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We have added the link on the upper right-hand side of our home page, or you can click here.


Chicago trial dates are now posted roughly one hour after a Chicago status call ends. The online list is the official list of Chicago trial dates that were assigned at the status call.  The arbitrator no longer manually stamps documents at the call.  If you wish to reschedule a trial, please contact the arbitrator to whom the case is assigned. 

Since this change took effect in February 2005, Commission staff have been instructed to refer callers with questions about trial dates to the website.

5. You may now fill out and print the pdf forms using the Adobe Reader. 

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for the website. It exists to serve you, so tell us how it can be better.

revised 6/24/08


Mail call!

Each year, the Commission receives hundreds of thousands of pieces of mail. We have only two Mailroom employees to open, date-stamp, sort, and deliver them. Please help us with this task by taking the following steps:

When filing a new claim, you must send three copies of the IC1 claim form. If you enclose a fourth copy and a self-addressed, stamped envelope, we will automatically send you a date-stamped copy. (You don't need to send a letter.)  Please put the SASE in front of the documents.

Please submit only one copy of the Attorney Representation Agreement for each case. If you provide the Proof of Service on a separate page, you need provide only one copy, as well.

If you are sending a lot of papers, please send them flat, not folded, in one large manila envelope. Clip documents for each case separately. Make sure all the documents face the same way. And don't fold each page separately! These steps will save a lot of time in opening and unfolding the mail.

If you intend to send a document to a specific person, write his or her name on the envelope. Or write the section--Information, Docket, etc.

Mail accident reports to 701 S. 2nd St., Springfield, IL 62701. Please don't ask us to return date-stamped copies of accident reports. If you submit a lot of reports, please send them through a paperless method. (About half of accident reports now come in electronically.) That will save us a great deal of data entry work as well as mail processing time. For details, please contact Bennie Horton, Jr. (312/814-6518).

Remember, the quicker our Mailroom staff can process the incoming mail, the quicker they can take care of the outgoing mail, which may contain something you need. Your cooperation will help us serve you better.

Think "Safety First" at work and at home

Which would you guess is higher: the rate of accidental injury at home or at work? 

Believe it or not, home is much more dangerous. According to the National Safety Council, 9 out of 10 deaths and two-thirds of disabling injuries suffered by workers occurred while off the job

Source: National Safety Council, Injury Facts, 2005-6 edition, pp. 52-54.

Injury report

The overall rate of injury in Illinois in 2004 was 55% lower than in 1991. Experts believe that some of the decline is due to improved safety efforts. These programs are great investments, because everyone wins when accidents are prevented.

Frequency of Injury by Type per 100,000 Workers in Illinois























Source: National Council on Compensation Insurance, Annual Statistical Bulletin, 1993-2007 editions, Exhibit XII, "First Report" data.  Fatal and PPD data are derived from a small number of cases and should be viewed with caution. TTD = Temporary Total Disability; PPD = Permanent Partial Disability; PTD = Permanent Total Disability. This is the most recent data published.


Fatal injuries. Transportation incidents continue to be the most common fatal events; men and self-employed workers are disproportionately likely to be killed.

Fatal Occupational Injuries in U.S. and Illinois

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Illinois Department of Public Health, "Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries," various years. Some figures were revised after the initial publication of data.  Note that the figure for the U.S. for 2001 excludes the 2,886 fatalities related to the 9/11/01 attack.  Because BLS counts a death in the state where it occurred, the Illinois figure for 2001 was not affected by the attack. 


Nonfatal injuries. Men represented two-thirds of the nonfatal cases. The most common event was overexertion, the most common type of injury was a sprain or strain, and the trunk was the part of the body most injured.

Source: Illinois Department of Public Health, "Workplace Nonfatal Injuries and Illnesses: Illinois, 2004," July 2006. For more information on the BLS/IDPH studies, go to the IDPH website.

revised 4/30/08

Commission encourages more Settlement Days

As we all know, the Commission is a high-volume operation. Each arbitrator handles roughly 3,000 cases at any time, which makes it essential to make the best possible use of his or her time.

We also know that opposing parties on a case often do not meet until the day of trial. Valuable trial time is then spent on perfunctory matters, easily-resolved discrepancies, and hallway negotiations.

In response, several years ago the Commission started encouraging groups to hold a "Settlement Day" at the Commission. The idea is to bring the two sides together informally to discuss the case and narrow the issues in dispute.

In a typical Settlement Day, an employer, insurance company, or law firm will invite opposing counsel on 25-100 cases to come to the Commission to see if the issues in dispute can be resolved.

No hearing officers or Commission staff are present at Settlement Day conferences. If the parties reach agreement, an arbitrator is available to review the settlement contracts that day.

Thousands of cases have been resolved through this process, and the Commission encourages groups to try it for themselves.

If you find files that are ready to go and you invite the opposing counsel to a Settlement Day, "your success rate should be over 50%," says Keith Brown, senior claims manager at Wausau Insurance, which has set up over a dozen Settlement Days.

"You can close more cases in a Settlement Day than you would ordinarily close in a day or even a week," he continues. "Everyone's in a frame of mind to settle the claims out. It brings down both parties' caseloads and gets the files out of the system."

For more information, or to schedule a Settlement Day, please contact Rebecca Marble (312/814-6560).

revised 7/22/08

Send court orders to Commission

If you are involved in a case in which a court issues an order requiring the Commission to act, please send a copy of the order to Bessie Mims (312/814-6572), and ask the court to return the transcript to us. The courts do not always send us copies of their orders, and cases may fall into limbo if we are not informed. Thanks for your help in keeping the process running smoothly.

Remember IWCC deadlines

Two Appellate Court decisions instruct parties to keep close track of their workers' compensation cases and to follow due diligence in keeping the cases moving.

See Kavonius v. Industrial Commission, 713 NE2d 158, 238 Ill. Dec. 912 (2nd Dist., 1999) and Contreras v. Industrial Commission, 715 NE2d 701, 240 Ill. Dec. 14 (1st Dist., 1999).

In Kavonius, the respondent's appeal of a Commission decision was dismissed because the respondent did not pay for the probable cost of the record and appeal bond in a timely manner, even though a circuit court clerk allegedly returned the documents unfiled.

In Contreras, the respondent's appeal of an arbitrator's decision was dismissed because the court held the respondent did not exercise due diligence in obtaining an authenticated transcript in a timely manner, even though the Commission was late in producing the transcript.

The Appellate Court certified that both cases involve substantial legal questions, which opens the way for the Illinois Supreme Court to consider the cases.

The Commission has taken steps to monitor the production of transcripts more closely. These decisions indicate, however, that parties need to be vigilant about deadlines.

A list of Commission deadlines is available online. The list also appears in the back of the bound copy of the act, which is available at all Commission offices.

Need help bringing a worker back to light duty?

The federal Job Accommodation Network (800/526-7234) offers free information regarding workplace accommodations for disabled workers. This service may be particularly helpful to employers that are trying to bring injured workers back to light-duty work.

Given the functional requirements of a job and the individual's limitations, a consultant will provide advice on the appropriate workplace accommodations. Fortunately, most employees can be accommodated at a modest cost. Often, it is cheaper to pay for the accommodations than to continue to pay Temporary Total Disability benefits.


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