Illinois Workers Compensation Commission

Pat Quinn, Governor

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  Rate Adjustment Fund   

Table of Contents

Payment calculations and procedures
Audits and affidavits
Termination of benefits
Contact information


The Rate Adjustment Fund was created in 1975 to pay cost-of-living increases to individuals who are either permanently and totally disabled (PTD) or the survivors of fatally-injured workers.

Source:   Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 820, Paragraph 305, Sections 7(a)-(e), 8(b)4.2, 8(e)18, 8(f)-(g)

Payment calculations and procedures

Payments are made each month, beginning on the second July 15th after a final decision awarding permanent total disability or death benefits. A decision is final when there is no further appeal pending.

If you are eligible for a RAF payment, you need to keep a current address on file at the Commission. If you move, please download the change of address form and send to the Commission.

Recipients are given an amount equal to the percentage increase in the statewide average weekly wage, as calculated by the Illinois Department of Employment Security. Payments can be calculated using the RAF calculation table.

If you received a final PTD or fatal award more than two years ago but have yet not received RAF payments, fill out the application form for PTD or the application form for fatality, and mail it to:

Michael Pendola, Assistant General Counsel
Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission
100 W. Randolph St., Suite 8-281
Chicago, IL 60601

RAF checks should be received between the 15th - 31st of each month. The IWCC processes payment vouchers on the 11th of every month. The process takes 3-4 business days and another 3-5 days to receive a check through the mail.

About half of RAF payments are made through direct deposit, in which payments are quicker and more secure. If you would like to set up direct deposit, call the Comptroller’s Office at 217/557-0930. The Comptroller will send a form to be completed and returned; that form will then go through bank verification. The entire process takes two weeks.

You can check on the Comptroller's website to see if RAF payments have been issued. (Enter your Social Security Number.)

Audits and affidavits

Each year, we conduct audits to make sure payees remain eligible for RAF payments.  Before July 15th, we send out affidavits to all payees. Payees must sign the affidavit, get it notarized, and return it to our office within 15 days of receipt. Click here for the affidavit for PTD cases. Click here for the affidavit for fatal cases.   

In addition, we require payees to provide us with a copy of a current check stub from the employer or its workers' compensation insurance carrier as proof of continued eligibility for PTD or survivor's benefits.  If the benefit is directly deposited, we will need a copy of the current notice of direct deposit.

Also, each month, we run a computer program against national databases to verify payee living status, and we periodically check payee addresses.

Please note that we are no longer sending the "Workers' Compensation Pension Receipt" postcards with the checks. 

Termination of RAF payments

Payees remain eligible for RAF payments as long as they remain eligible for PTD or survivor's benefits.  RAF payments cease when eligibility for PTD or survivor's benefits cease. 

Contact information

For payment questions:
  Ami Gilkes Fiscal Staff 312/814-8140
  Inez Gardner Fiscal Staff 312/814-1446
  Comptroller’s Office Records Information Office 217/782-7568
For eligibility questions:
  Michael Pendola Assistant General Counsel 312/814-8770





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