City of Philadelphia

Information, Phone Numbers and Contacts

Do you have any questions?  Need some important information?  PWD has trained customer service representatives ready to help you.


Please call: 

  • (215) 685-6300 -- Water and Sewer Emergencies, Water and Sewer Service Inquiries, Water Quality Information, Taste and Odor Complaints, Open Hydrants, Inlet Cleaning, PWD Speakers Bureau, Water Conservation Programs (CAP), Automatic Meter Reading Installations and Inquiries
  • (215) 686-6880 -- Water and Sewer Billing Inquiries and Billing Assistance Programs
  • (215) 685-4901 -- Homeowner's Emergency Loan Program (HELP)
  • (215) 686-0880 -- Employment Opportunities

Or write to us:

Philadelphia Water Department
ARAMark Tower - 5th Floor
1101 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107-2994
  • Bernard Brunwasser, Water Commissioner
  • Joseph Clare, Deputy Water Commissioner
       Finance and Administration
  • Teresa Vollmer, General Manager
       Human Resources
  • Debra A. Mc Carty, Deputy Water Commissioner
  • Philip Downs, Division Director
       Information Science and Technology
  • Ed Grusheski, General Manager
       Public Affairs
  • Stephen J. Furtek, General Manager
       Planning and Engineering
  • David A. Katz, Deputy Water Commissionner
       Environmental Policy and Planning

Helpful Information:

For Residential Customers:
For Business Customers: