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Illness & Disability

Taking care of my health


Doing more to take care of your health is a big part of growing up and there are lots of ways to help out. To find out which skills you know well and which ones you need to learn or practice, see our Transitioning Checklist.

There are other steps you can take to do more for your health:
  1. Ask your doctor for a "teaching" physical exam to make sure you know all about your health issue. This will also help you practice skills for caring for yourself.
  2. If you start to feel sick, but don't need to see a doctor right away, make a doctor’s appointment for a few days later to make sure you can get help when you really need it.
  3. Keep your weight at a healthy level with diet and exercise as you grow older. Make sure you follow the doctor’s orders about the things you should eat and do. For exercise tips, visit our Staying Active section.
  4. Make time to do the things you enjoy and spend time with people you love. Being happy can help your body feel better.
  5. Read about your health issue. Get information on different illnesses and disabilities.
  6. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor, parents, or counselor about sex, getting your period, growing breasts, or anything related to puberty. It is normal for everyone to have questions, so you don’t have to be embarrassed or shy.
  7. Write down what your doctor tells you and keep notes on your visits and medicines.
  8. If you have any questions in between doctor visits, don’t be afraid to call and ask.
a girl with her mom and doctor

Finally, follow the doctor's orders and work with your parents to get answers to any questions you have.

To make it easier to keep track of your health plan, has worksheets that you can print out and fill out at your next doctor, therapist, and counselor visits.

Content last updated June 2, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
