Partnerships for Networked Health Information ConferencePartnerships '98 InformationRegister for Partnerships '98 online!Partnerships '98 AgendaPartnerships '98 Showcase and GamesPartnerships '98 Games RegistrationPartnerships '98 Steering Committee Partnerships for Networked Health Information ConferenceApril 28, 1998 and May 28-30, 1998
"In our libraries, our schools, our universities, and throughout our communities, we have the responsibility to ensure that all Americans can get online and get healthy."

Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Partnerships '97

1998 Partnerships for Networked
Consumer Health Information Conference

April 28, 1998
"Policy Issues in Consumer Health Informatics"
National Press Building
Washington, DC

May 28-30, 1998
"Bringing Knowledge to the Point of Use"
in conjunction with the American Medical Informatics Association
Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel
Philadelphia, PA

Partnerships '98 Showcase/Games brochure in
Adobe PDF Format for easy printing.

Partnerships '99Partnerships '97 | Partnerships '96
Partnerships '95

National Health Information Center
Office of Disease  Prevention and Health Promotion
Department of Health and Human Services
National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133

To Beginning of Document

Last updated on
June 26, 2003