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Partnerships ’98 Steering Committee

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"The future is owned by those who improve cost and quality."
—Charles L. Jacobson, Executive Vice President, Premier, Charlotte, NC, Partnerships '97

Mary Jo Deering, PhD
Health Communication/Telehealth Staff
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Jeffrey Finn
Journalist in Residence
American University

Roger Guard
Academic Information Technology and Libraries
University of Cincinnati Medical Center

Barbara Hau, RN
Clinical Coordinator
La Plaza Telecommunity Foundation, Inc.

Mary Gardiner Jones, LLB, LLD
Consumer Interest Research Institute

Shannah Koss
Government Healthcare Solutions Executive

Fred Kroger
Director for Health Communication
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Christine Krutzsch
Consumer Health Services Team
Office of Prevention, Education, and Control
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health

Lisa Lang, MPP
Program Analyst
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Program Planning and Evaluation
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Al Lazar, MBA
Deputy Director
Center for Health Information Dissemination
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research

Andrew Lefton, MA
Health Informatics Consultant

Nancy Milio, PhD, FAAN, FAPHA
School of Public Health
University of North Carolina

Linda Neuhauser
Executive Director
Wellness Guide Project
School of Public Health
University of California, Berkeley

Kevin Patrick, MD, MS
Student Health Services
San Diego State University

Scott Ratzan, MD
Emerson-Tufts Program in Health Communication
Emerson College and Tufts School of Medicine

Anne Restino, MA
Health Communications Manager
National Health Information Center

Helga Rippen, MD, PhD
Health Information Technology Institute
Mitretek Systems

Joyce Somsak
Director for Communications Strategies and Standards Group
HCFA Online
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Jean Wooldridge
Regional Project Director
Pacific Northwest Cancer Information Service
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133

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Last updated on
June 26, 2003