Nevada Water Science Center


Our Nevada Water Science Center priority is to continue the important work of the Department of the Interior and the USGS, while also maintaining the health and safety of our employees and community.  Based on guidance from the White House, the CDC, and state and local authorities, we are shifting our operations to a virtual mode and have minimal staffing within our offices. 

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Current Data Dashboard

Current Data Dashboard

See current streamflow, groundwater, and water-quality conditions with this new map interface to USGS data.

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Featured Science

Featured Science

Nutrient Source Identification in Groundwater and Periphyton Along the Nearshore of Lake Tahoe

Tahoe Nearshore


Date published: October 1, 2020

Invasive Mussel Species Impacts the Food Web in Lake Mead

In an article for the journal Science of the Total Environment, USGS scientists and others discuss the impact of invasive quagga mussels on the ecosystem of Lake Mead located on the border of Arizona and Nevada. 

Date published: September 3, 2020

Vacancy: GS-12 Field Office Chief (Supr. Hyd. Tech.), NVWSC Southern Nevada Networks-Henderson, Nevada

The Nevada Water Science Center is pleased to announce an exciting career opportunity: We are seeking a Field Office Chief for the Southern Nevada Networks Unit in Henderson, Nevada.  The position is being advertised as a Supervisory Hydrologic Technician GS-12, and a relocation incentive is being offered.   


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Year Published: 2021

Trends in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment concentrations and loads in streams draining to Lake Tahoe, California, Nevada, USA

Lake Tahoe, a large freshwater lake of the eastern Sierra Nevada in California and Nevada, has 63 tributaries that are sources of nutrients and sediment to the lake. The Tahoe watershed is relatively small, and the surface area of the lake occupies about 38% of the watershed area (1313 km2). Only about 6% of the watershed is urbanized or...

Domagalski, Joseph L.; Morway, Eric D.; Alvarez, Nancy L.; Hutchins, Juliet; Rosen, Michael R.; Coats, Robert

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Year Published: 2020

Early warning pesticide monitoring in Nevada’s surface waters

A pesticide is a substance, or mixture of substances, used to kill or control insects, weeds, plant diseases, and other pest organisms. Commercial pesticide applicators, farmers, and homeowners apply about 1.1 billion pounds of pesticides annually to agricultural land, non-crop land, and urban areas throughout the United States. Although intended...

Huntington, Jena M.; Entz, Derek C.; Thodal, Carl E.
Huntington, J.M., Entz, D.C., and Thodal, C.E., 2020, Early warning pesticide monitoring in Nevada’s surface waters: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2020–3070, 6 p.,

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Year Published: 2020

Soil moisture product validation good practices protocol, version 1.0

The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) included soil moisture in the list of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) to express its important role in Earth’s water, energy and carbon cycle. Soil moisture has a major impact on agriculture, land surface hydrology, weather, and climate forecasting. This document is a community-based effort to provide...

Montzka, Carsten; Cosh, Michael H.; Camacho, Fernando; Nickeson, Jaime; Montzka, Carsten; Cosh, Michael H.; Bayat, Bagher; Al Bitar, Ahmad; Berg, Aaron; Bindlish, Rajat; Bogena, Heye Reemt; Bolton, John D.; Cabot, Francois; Caldwell, Todd; Chan, Steven; Colliander, Andreas; Wade Crow; Das, Narendra; De Lannoy, Gabrielle; Dorigo, Wouter; Evett, Steven R.; Gruber, Alexander; Hahn, Sebastian; Jagdhuber, Thomas; Jones, Scott F.; Kerr, Yann; Kim, Seungbum; Koyama, Christian; Kurum, Mehmed; Lopez-Baeza, Ernesto; Mattia, Francesco; McColl, Kaighin A.; Mecklenburg, Susanne; Mohanty, Binayak; O´Neill, Peggy; Or, Dani; Pellarin, Thierry; Petropoulos, George P.; Piles, Maria; Reichle, Rolf H.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nemesio; Rüdiger, Christoph; Scanlon, Tracy; Schwartz, Robert C.; Spengler, Daniel; Srivastava, Prashant K.; Suman, Swati; van der Schalie, Robin; Wagner, Wolfgang; Wegmüller, Urs; Wigneron, Jean-Pierre; Camacho, Fernando; Nickeson, Jaime
Montzka, C., M. Cosh, B. Bayat, A. Al Bitar, A. Berg, R. Bindlish, H. R. Bogena, J. D. Bolten, F. Cabot, T. Caldwell, S. Chan, A. Colliander, W. Crow, N. Das, G. De Lannoy, W. Dorigo, S. R. Evett, A. Gruber, S. Hahn, T. Jagdhuber, S. Jones, Y. Kerr, S. Kim, C. Koyama, M. Kurum, E. Lopez-Baeza, F. Mattia, K. McColl, S. Mecklenburg, B. Mohanty, P. O´Neill, D. Or, T. Pellarin, G. P. Petropoulos, M. Piles, R. H. Reichle, N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, C. Rüdiger, T. Scanlon, R. C. Schwartz, D. Spengler, P. Srivastava, S. Suman, R. van der Schalie, W. Wagner, U. Wegmüller, J.-P. Wigneron, F. Camacho, and J. Nickeson (2020): Soil Moisture Product Validation Good Practices Protocol Version 1.0. In: C. Montzka, M. Cosh, J. Nickeson, F. Camacho (Eds.): Good Practices for Satellite Derived Land Product Validation (p. 123), Land Product Validation Subgroup (WGCV/CEOS), doi:10.5067/doc/ceoswgcv/lpv/sm.001.