Manuals & Guidelines

Title, Date        Download

Area-Capacity Computation Program, User Manual, 1985 Full text (3.9 MB PDF)
Bank Stabilization Design Guidelines, 2015 Full text (8 MB PDF)
Best Practices in Hydrographic Surveying, Living Quick Users Guide for Hydrographic Survey Equipment, Version 1.0, September 2019 Full text (17.7 MB PDF)
Canal Systems Automation Manual, Vol. 1, 1991 Abstract | Full text (14 MB PDF)
Canal Systems Automation Manual, Vol. 2, 1995   Full text (20 MB PDF)
Computing Degradation and Local Scour, January 1984 Full text (2.8 MB PDF)
Concrete Dam Instrumentation Manual, 1987 Abstract | Full text (17 MB PDF)
Concrete Manual, 8th ed., revised reprint 1981, reprinted 1988 Full text (106 MB PDF)
Concrete Manual Part 2, 9th ed., 1992 Full text (171 MB PDF)
Dam Removal Analysis Guidelines for Sediment,
December 2017
Full text (8.8 MB PDF)
Dam Training Manual Memo Full text (12 KB PDF)
Dams and Public Safety, Revised Reprint 1983 Abstract | Full text (33 MB PDF)
Design of Arch Dams, 1977 Abstract | Full text (80 MB PDF)
Design of Double-Curvature Arch Dams Planning, Appraisal, Feasibility Level, 2012 - In Progress Full text (7 MB PDF)
Design of Gravity Dams, 1976 Abstract | Full text (84 MB PDF)
Design of Small Canal Structures, 1978 Abstract | Full text (33 MB PDF)
Design of Small Dams, 1987 Abstract | Full text (60 MB PDF)
Design Guide for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems, 2006 Full text (33 MB PDF)
Determination of Consumptive Uses and Losses, Colorado River Basin, September 2015 Full text (522 KB PDF)
Development of Standard Drawings Full text (32 KB PDF)
Discounting for Long-Lived Water Resource Investments, 2015 Full text (496 KB PDF)
Drainage for Dams and Associated Structures, 2004 Abstract | Full text (104 MB PDF)
Drainage Manual, 1993 Abstract | Full text (18 MB PDF)
Earth Manual, Part 1, 1998 Abstract | Full text (5 MB PDF)
Earth Manual, Part 2, 1990 Abstract | Full text (216 MB PDF)
Effective Graphics Guide, Creating Effective Displays for Models and Maps, June 2020 Full text (7.3 MB PDF)
Electrochemical Impedance Methods to Assess Coatings for Corrosion Protection, Technical Publication No. 8540-2019-03, January 2019 Full text (1.3 MB PDF)
Embankment Dam Instrumentation Manual, 1987 Abstract | Full text (37 MB PDF)
Emergency Management Handbook, Section 3:  Exercise Design, September 2016 Full text (14.7 MB PDF)
Engineering Geology Field Manual, 1998 Abstract | Web site with references
Engineering Geology Office Manual, 1988 Abstract | Full text (7 MB PDF)
Erosion and Sedimentation Manual, 2006 Full text (52.6 MB PDF)
Fish Protection at Water Diversions, A Guide for Planning and Designing Fish Exclusion Facilities, April 2006 Full text (17.1 MB PDF)
Flood Hydrology Manual, 1989 Abstract | Full text (14 MB PDF)
Flood Inundation Mapping, June 2019 Full text (3 MB PDF)
Flow Deflector Design Guidelines for Mitigation of Stilling Basin Abrasion Damage, December 2015 Full text (1 MB PDF)
[The] Geoprobe® Hydraulic Profiling System, September 2015 Full text (3.6 MB PDF)
Geospatial Linear Referencing, Technical Service Center Manual and Standard, September 2019 Full text (4.3 MB PDF)
Ground Water Manual, 1995 Abstract | Full text (50 MB PDF)
Guide to Concrete Repair, Second Edition, 2015 Abstract | Full text (5 MB PDF)
Guide to Protective Coatings, Inspection, and Maintenance; Second Edition; 2012 Abstract | Full text (1 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Collecting Data to Support Reservoir Water Quality and Hydrodynamic Simulation Models, May 2009 Full text (561 KB)
Guidelines for Collecting Data to Support Riverine Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulation Models, August 2010 Abstract | Full text (593 KB)
Guidelines for Collecting Data to Support Statistical Analysis of Water Quality for Wetland Planning, August 2013 Full text (2 MB)
Guidelines for Drilling and Sampling in Embankment Dams, April 2014 Full text (1 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Earthwork Construction Control Testing of Gravelly Soils, 2006 Full text (5 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Evaluating Pipeline Channel Crossing Hazards to Ensure Effective Burial, September 2019 Full text (25 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Field Installation of Corrosion Monitoring and Cathodic Protection Systems, December 2012 Full text (3 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Performing Foundation Investigations for Miscellaneous Structures, 2004 Full text (17 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Performing Hydraulic Field Evaluations at Fish Screening Facilities, 2009 Full text (2 MB PDF)
Guidelines for Reporting Corroded Pipe, September 2011 Full text (694 KB PDF)
Guidelines for Rope Access, 2004 Full text (2 MB PDF)
Hydraulic and Excavation Tables, Eleventh Edition, 1957 Abstract | Full text (19 MB PDF)
Hydraulic Laboratory Techniques, 1980 Abstract | Full text (12 MB PDF)
Hydraulic Properties of Concrete Pipe, 1978 Abstract | Full text (8 MB PDF)
Hydrogenerator Design Manual, 1992 Abstract | Full text (34 MB PDF)
Joint Spacing for Concrete Structures, TM No. CGSL-8530-2016-13, September 2016 Full text (2.2 MB PDF)
Linings for Irrigation Canals, 1976 Full text (21 MB PDF)
Manual for Managing Disputes over Science, June 2016 Full text (1 MB PDF)
Method for Prediction of Flexible Pipe Deflection, M-25 Third Edition, February 2019 Full text (1.25 MB PDF)
Modeling In-Stream Structures and Internal Features With SRH-2D, TR-SRH-2016-09, February 2016 Full text (2.1 MB PDF)
Natural vibration characteristics of gravity structures, 2006 Full text (5.5 MB PDF)
Pipe Bedding and Backfill, Geotechnical Training Manual No. 7, 1996 Full text (3.4 MB PDF)
Quality Assurance Guidelines for Environmental Measurements, August 2003 Full text (942 KB PDF)
Quality Management Plan Guidance for Concrete used for Construction of Significant Features, 2015 Full text (524 KB PDF)
Reconnaissance Technique for Reservoir Surveys, April 2006 Full text (5.6 MB PDF)
Rock Manual, 2010 Web site with references
Rock Ramp Design Guidelines, September 2007 Full text (1 MB PDF)
Rock Weir Design Guidance, March 2016 Full text (21 MB PDF)
Roller-Compacted Concrete — Design and Construction Considerations for Hydraulic Structures, 2017 Full text (7 MB PDF)
Remote Sensing Technology: Guidelines and Applications within the Bureau of Reclamation , September 2005 Full text (14 MB PDF)
SEED (Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams), Revised Reprint 1983 Full text (6 MB PDF)
Seepage Chemistry Manual, Report DSO-05-03, 2005 Full text (4 MB PDF)
Sign Guidelines, for Planning, Design, Fabrication, Procurement, Installation, and Maintenance of Signs for Outdoor Public Use Areas, 2006 Full text (1.9 MB PDF)
SRH-Mesh User’s Manual, Version 1.0, Technical Report ST-2019-1724-01, September 2019 Full text (3 MB PDF)
Standard Protocol to Evaluate the Performance of Corrosion Mitigation Technologies in Concrete Repairs, Version M0820001.714, July 2014 (Updated 2016)
  • Report of Testing for Standard Protocol to Evaluate the Performance of Corrosion Mitigation Technologies in Concrete Repairs, August 2013
Full text (1.8 MB PDF)

Full text (11.1 MB PDF)
Surveying, Mapping, and Aerial Photography, September 2016 Full text (15.4 MB PDF)
Tables of Pipe Hydraulic Properties, 1964 Abstract
Volume 1 Full text (18 MB PDF) | Volume 2 Full text (16 MB PDF)
Technical Guidelines for Irrigation Suitability Land Classification, June 2005
  • Appendixes 1, 2, 3, and 4
Full text (1.8 MB PDF)

Full text PDFs (App 1_49 KB | App 2_59 KB | App 3_23 KB | App 4_24 KB)
Technical Guidelines for Water Quality Investigations, September 2003 Full text (6.4 MB PDF)
Transformers: Basics, Maintenance, and Diagnostics, 2005 Full text (3 MB PDF)
Transmission Line Design Manual, 1980 Abstract | Full text (25 MB PDF)
Utilization of GIS Software to Develop As-Built Terrains for Hydraulic Modeling, Technical Memorandum No. 86-68260-16-01, July 2016 Full text (2.7 MB PDF)
Water Chemistry Analysis for Water Conveyance, Storage, and Desalination Projects, August 2013
  • Chemical Analysis Spreadsheet
Full text (282 KB PDF)

Full text (21 KB XLS)
Water Measurement Manual, revised reprint, 2001 Abstract | Web site with references
Water Systems Automation: State of the Art, 1973 Full text (3 MB PDF)
Last Updated: 11/19/20