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Office of the Scientific Director (OSD)

OSDMary Dasso, Ph.D., is the Acting Scientific Director of the Division of Intramural Research (DIR) at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Dr. Dasso assumed this role in February 2020.

In this position, Dr. Dasso oversees more than 60 research programs of more than 60 scientific investigators and more than 250 trainees. She also leads her own lab on cell cycle regulation.

DIR's objective is to conduct research that helps ensure the birth of healthy infants, improves the health of infants and children as they develop into adulthood, and optimizes the health of women. Research in the DIR focuses on acquiring knowledge, using a wide range of technologies and model systems, to enhance the understanding of the full range of human development and reproduction. DIR is credited with scientific advances in many areas, from vaccines to molecular imaging.


Selected NICHD Research Advances of 2019

Annual Report of the DIR: Describes DIR investigators' activities and progress for the previous year

DIR-Related NICHD News: Provides explanations of recent findings from DIR scientists

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