Heliophysics Advisory Committee

The Heliophysics Advisory Committee (HPAC) is a FACA committee of NASA, and replaces the Heliophysics Subcommittee of the NAC SC. 

The NASA Heliophysics Division Seeks Community Members to Serve on the NASA Heliophysics Advisory Committee. Submit your interest for consideration.



  • Michael W. Liemohn, Chair - University of Michigan
  • Janet Kozyra, Executive Secretary - NASA Headquarters
  • Vassilis Angelopoulos - University of California Los Angeles
  • Rebecca Bishop - Aerospace Corporation
  • Paul Cassak - West Virginia University
  • Darko Filipi - BizTek International, LLC
  • Lindsay Glesener - University of Minnesota
  • Larisa Goncharenko - MIT Haystack Observatory
  • George Ho - Johns Hopkins University
  • Lynn Kistler - University of New Hampshire
  • James Klimchuk - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Tomoko Matsuo - University of Colorado Boulder
  • William H. Matthaeus - University of Delaware
  • Mari Paz Miralles - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  • Cora Randall - University of Colorado Boulder


The HPAC supports the advisory needs of the Heliophysics Division (HPD), the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and other mission directorates as required, and NASA Administrator.  The scope of the HPAC includes all aspects of heliophysics, including the dynamical behavior of the Sun and its heliosphere; the dynamical behavior of the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and upper atmosphere of Earth and other planets; the multi-scale interaction between solar system plasmas and the interstellar medium; energy transport and coupling throughout the heliophysics domain; and space weather.  In addition to scientific research, the scope encompasses considerations of the development of enabling technologies, systems, and computing and information management capabilities, as well as developments with the potential to provide long-term improvements to future space weather operational systems.

HPAC Meeting Documents

September 21, 2020


June 30 – July 1, 2020


October 1-3, 2019


December 18-20, 2018


October 22-23, 2018 (Telecon)


April 5-6, 2018


November 29- December 1, 2017


Please direct questions regarding the Heliophysics Advisory Committee to Janet Kozyra, Executive Secretary.

Please direct questions or corrections on this page to SARA@nasa.gov