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The Federal Energy Management Program’s (FEMP) Solution Center Tool Box places key tools and resources at your fingertips to help your agency design, optimize, and ensure the efficient operation of every project, facility, and campus.


50001 Ready Navigator
Application offers step-by-step guidance for implementing and maintaining an energy management system in conformance with the ISO 50001 standard.
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REopt Lite
Tool evaluates the economic viability of grid-connected photovoltaics and battery storage.
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Laboratory Benchmarking Tool
Application compares the energy use of your laboratory buildings with that of similar facilities in the United States.
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NIST software evaluate life cycle costs of capital investments in buildings and computes average annual escalation rates for contract payments.
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Comprehensive Annual Energy Data
Tool displays publicly available data on agency energy management requirements.
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Tool allows agencies to track fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and vehicle inventories.
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DC Pro Tools
Tools diagnose energy use in data centers and determine energy and cost savings.
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eProject Builder
Tool enables agencies and ESCOs to preserve, track, and report information on their energy projects.
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Distributed Energy Resource Cybersecurity Framework
Tool provides federal agencies with a framework to assess the cybersecurity posture of their distributed energy resource systems.
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Smart Labs Toolkit
Tool describes a systematic process that helps operators plan and cost-effectively achieve safe, efficient, and sustainable laboratories.
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Facility Cybersecurity Framework
Application provides risk-based standards and best practices to help facility owners and operators better manage cybersecurity risks.
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ESCO Selector
Tool helps agencies create a notice of opportunity that complies with requirements and meets agency needs.
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Water Project Screening Tool
Excel-based tool enables federal agencies to quickly screen sites for water efficiency opportunities.
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Product Search
Sortable table displays energy-efficient covered product categories that are well suited for federal applications.
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Rainwater Harvesting Tool
Spreadsheet estimates how much monthly rainfall can be harvested from rooftops or other hard surfaces.
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Energy- and Cost-Savings Calculators
Calculators estimate energy-efficient product savings.
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Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centers
Tools include the PUE Estimator and more.
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Alternative Water Sources Maps
Maps help agencies plan where to implement alternative water projects.
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Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN)
Tool helps organizations manage the risk to critical missions from disruptions in energy and water services.
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Key Resources

Online tool designed to help find the most cost-effective and resilient energy solution for a specific site.
Highlights 14 best management practices to increase water efficiency and meet federal requirements as identified by FEMP and EPA.
Outlines the five phases of FEMP’s process for procurement of an energy savings performance contract.
Details this project structure, which uses the multiyear ESPC authority to implement distributed energy projects.
Guide provides a framework for federal government, private developers, and financiers to coordinate on large-scale renewable energy projects.