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Federal laws and regulations set energy management and efficiency requirements for federal agencies, including reducing motor vehicle fleet petroleum consumption and increasing alternative fuel use. Federal legislation also requires agencies to annually report information on vehicle usage and the makeup of vehicle fleets, along with the use of efficient and alternative fuel vehicles as part of petroleum reduction goals.

View fleet management laws and requirements.


The following federal fleet management guidance documents are offered to help fleet managers meet their goals and requirements:

For additional questions on federal fleet requirements, please contact Kendall Kam.

Reporting and Annual Reports

Federal legislation requires agencies to annually report information on federal motor vehicle usage and the makeup of their motor vehicle fleets, along with the use of efficient and alternative fuel vehicles as part of petroleum reduction goals. Federal agencies report the following data to the U.S. Department of Energy each year:

  • Motor vehicle acquisitions
  • Petroleum and alternative fuel consumption
  • Requests for Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005 Section 701 waivers surrounding alternative fuel consumption
  • Fleet fueling centers

This information is submitted using the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) website. To gain access, contact your agency's FAST point of contact or trainer.

Federal Fleet Reporting

FAST is a web-based reporting tool managed and funded by FEMP, the General Services Administration Office of Governmentwide Policy, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. The tool collects federal fleet information based on regulatory requirements across:

  • EPAct 1992
  • EPAct 2005
  • Executive Order 13423
  • Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007
  • Federal Energy Administration Act
  • Federal Property and Administrative Services Act
  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11
  • GSA Bulletin B-30.

The FAST reporting tool collects required data through three primary data calls each fiscal year:

  • June: EPAct 2005 Section 701 waiver requests and EISA 2007 Section 246-related information about federal fleet fueling centers
  • August: OMB Circular A-11 information covering fleet makeup, vehicle costs, and fleet budget needs
  • October: Information covering vehicle inventory, acquisitions, and disposals, as well as fuel costs and consumption, vehicle mileage, and fleet costs.

FAST data collection covers all vehicles operated by reporting federal agencies both domestically and abroad, but does not include exempt vehicles (e.g., off-road equipment and military tactical vehicles).

Federal Fleet Annual Reports

Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 Section 705 requires federal agencies to prepare an annual report detailing compliance with EPAct 1992 alternative fuel vehicle purchasing requirements. Each agency report for the previous fiscal year must be posted on a public website, and its availability must be published in the Federal Register by February 15 of each year.

  • Alternative Fuel Use in Federal Dual-Fueled Vehicles: EPAct 2005 Section 701 requires federal agencies to operate all dual-fuel alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) on alternative fuel unless they have applied for and received a waiver(s) from DOE. These documents provide information on the number of waivers granted by DOE and the alternative fuel consumed by federal vehicles per fiscal year.
  • Government-Wide Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisitions: These annual reports, prepared by FEMP, cover the federal government's performance in meeting alternative fuel vehicle acquisition requirements per fiscal year.
  • The GSA OGP also publishes an annual Federal Fleet Report based on data submitted to FAST by federal agencies. That report is publicly available and covers fleet inventory, costs, mileage, and fuel consumption for all reporting agency fleets (including vehicles located both domestically and abroad).