U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy


A Field Guide to Utility-Run Behavior Programs: Making Sense of Variety
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast covers a report that is a comparative analysis of utility-run behavior programs, which lays the groundwork for further program development by developing a classification scheme, or taxonomy, that sorts programs into discrete categories.

A Guide to Using AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Teams to Execute Your Mission
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Corporation for National and Community Service
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast describes how energy efficiency programs can use AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Teams to help their missions.

An Introduction to Measuring Energy Savings
Presentation, Media
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

This webinar covers evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) for energy efficiency programs and projects. In addition, it covers key areas such as savings estimates and how energy savings are measured.

Analyzing and Managing Bill Impacts on Energy Efficiency Programs
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast reviews the SEE Action report which provides policymakers with principles and recommendations to understand and manage concerns about bill and rate impacts resulting from requiring utilities to provide efficiency programs.

Behavior-Based Energy Efficiency: Behavioral Persistence
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast explores residential behavior-based energy efficiency programs and provides data to support issues and recommendations.

Better Together: Linking and Leveraging Energy Programs for Low-Income Households
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Presentation 5, Media 1, Media 2, Media 3, Media 4, Media 5, Transcript
Author: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date: 2015

This presentation includes a series of case studies to highlight effective efforts by state and local agencies, non-profits, and utilities to bring energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE/RE) to low-income households. It explores the topic of linking and leveraging EE/RE programs for limited-income households, including the need to coordinate with other energy assistance programs.

Briefing on the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation
Presentation, Media
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This presentation describes the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program evaluation findings, including goal and objective attainment, energy and CO2e impacts, program implementation lessons learned, market effects findings, and recommendations.

Build Your Better Buildings Brand
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast discusses how to build the national Better Buildings brand into your program's marketing/branding to enhance public communications and outreach efforts.

Capturing Energy Efficiency in Residential Real Estate Transactions Webcast
Presentation, Media
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This webcast covers DOE's new white paper, Capturing Energy Efficiency in Residential Real Estate Transactions, which highlights how residential energy efficiency programs can help make homes' energy efficiency visible to appraisers, real estate agents, mortgage lenders, homebuyers and sellers. The webcast provides examples of programs around the U.S. that are successfully engaging the real estate community and overcoming barriers to valuing energy efficiency in the home resale process.

Collaboration and Consensus Building in States to Support Energy Efficiency as a Resource
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Wally Nixon and Eddy Moore, Arkansas Public Service Commission
Publication Date: 2011

This webinar presented the story of the successful stakeholder process in Arkansas which led to the state's 2007 "Quick Start" utility-administered energy efficiency programs, the expansion of Quick Start programs to comprehensive programs in 2009, and the adoption in 2010 of increasing annual energy efficiency goals for 2011-2013. General principles of a successful collaborative process by utilities, utility regulators, customers and customer groups, state agencies, energy efficiency and consumer advocates, and others was discussed.

Communicating Success: Measuring Improvements, Sharing Results
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast teaches attendees how to leverage program results to promote energy efficiency campaigns.

Community Development Finance Institutions: Opportunities for Partnerships with Energy Efficiency Programs
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast highlights opportunities for community development finance institutions to partner with energy efficiency programs.

Community-Based Social Marketing
Presentation 1Presentation 2Presentation 3
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provides an overview of community-based social marketing and provides examples from programs that have used it.

Concierge Programs for Contractors - They're Not Just for Consumers Anymore
(1 MB)
Author: Jonathan Cohen, U.S. Department of Energy; Ryan Clemmer, Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit); Melanie Paskevich, NeighborWorks; Jay Karwoski, ICF International
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast includes slides and information on programs' use of concierge programs to support contractors. It highlights two program examples: Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit) and Vermont NeighborWorks.

Creating Liquidity for Energy Efficiency Loans in Secondary Markets
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast discusses secondary markets as a means for private investors to participate in and fund energy efficiency loan programs.

Demonstrating Success and Sustaining Impact
Presentation, Media
Author: Kelly Lucci, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast is part of a three-part series on communications strategies and methods. It focuses on how communities can effectively showcase the benefits and successes of a clean energy initiative to ensure additional funding opportunities, continued engagement, and sustained behavior change.

Designing Effective Incentives to Drive Residential Retrofit Program Participation
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast covers information about designing effective incentives to drive residential retrofit program participation.

Developing an Evaluation Measurement and Verification Plan for Your Energy Efficiency Project/Program
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Julie Michals, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.; Jonathan Kleinman, CLEAResult
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast discussed developing an Evaluation Measurement and Verification Plan for energy efficiency programs, including the collection of data and analysis of program performance.

Developing an Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Plan For Residential Retrofit Programs
Presentation, Transcript
Author: Julie Michals, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.; Chris Neme, Energy Futures Group
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast defines Evaluation Measurement and Verification (EM&V), provides DOE guidance on EM&V and reporting, and discussed how to develop a plan for Residential Retrofit Energy Efficient programs.

Door-to-Door Outreach and Tracking Impacts
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast discusses door-to-door campaigns and how to track the impacts of these campaigns.

EM&V Basics, Tools and Resources to Assist EECBG and SEP Grantees
Presentation, Media
(43 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Julie Michals, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.; Phil Sieper, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Mark Stetz, Stetz Consulting
Publication Date: 2010

This webinar offers an introduction to EM&V basics, including data collection, tracking tools, M&V approaches, and reporting energy savings.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #1 Overview and Cost Effectiveness
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webinar is the first (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). This webinar provides an overview of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program. It covers the requirements and benefits of the program and also discusses steps you can take to evaluate the cost effectiveness of energy program options.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #2 Evaluation, Monitoring & Verification
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webinar is the second (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). This webinar covers the key concepts of Evaluation, Monitoring & Verification (EM&V), gives an overview of the full process, from estimating savings before programs are implemented to measuring and verifying the savings at the end. The webinar also covers EM&V framework, evaluation plans, technical reference manuals and measurement and verification studies.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #3 Residential Energy Efficiency Deep Dive, Part One
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webinar is the third (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). The first in a two-part series, this webinar shares best practices from the more than 40 competitively selected state and local governments who participated in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Neighborhood Program, including market position and business model, program design and customer experience, evaluation and data collection, marketing and outreach, financing, and contractor engagement and workforce development.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #4 Residential Energy Efficiency Deep Dive, Part Two
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webinar is the fourth (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). The second in a two-part series, this webinar shares best practices from the more than 40 competitively selected state and local governments who participated in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Neighborhood Program. This webinar focuses on data collection and continuous improvement, partnering with financial institutions, community-based outreach, and quality assurance of contractor work. It also features a case study from Jackson Electric Member Corporation about their audit tools, rebates and loans, tracking and reporting, and marketing and advertising strategies.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #5 On-Bill Financing
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webinar is the fifth (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). This webinar focuses on financing energy improvements on utility bills and features case studies about Roanoke Electric Cooperative's Upgrade to Save program and North Arkansas Electric Cooperative. It also provides information for programs seeking on-bill financing project assistance.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program Webinar Series: #6 Solar
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This webinar is the sixth (in a series of six) hosted by USDA Rural Utility Service (RUS) and focusing on the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program (EECLP). This webinar provides an overview of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Opportunities and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Loan Program. It features the New Hampshire Electric Co-op's Solar PV Program and SunShot Solar Outreach Partnership (SolarOPs). SolarOPs is a U.S. Department of Energy program designed to increase the use and integration of solar energy in communities across the US.

Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Testing
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Presentation 5, Media
Author: Snuller Price, Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc.; Tim Woolf, Synapse Energy Economics; Tom Eckman, Northwest Power and Conservation Council; Sami Khawaja, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Steven Schiller, Schiller Consulting, Inc.
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provides an introduction to cost-effectiveness testing for energy efficiency programs. It also covers key drivers in the cost-effectiveness results and cost-effectiveness tools developed for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Testing Forecasting
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provides an introduction to cost-effectiveness testing for energy efficiency programs, key drivers in the cost-effectiveness results, and cost effectiveness tool developed for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Energy Efficiency Financing Programs: Financing Energy Improvements on Utility Bills
Presentation, Media
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provides a market update and key program design considerations for on-bill financing programs.

Energy Efficiency Measure Cost Studies
Presentation 1Presentation 2
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast discusses evaluation of costs for energy efficiency measures.

Engaging Financial Institution Partners
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast provides guidance about the financial stakeholder engagement process and offers lessons from the field.

Enhance Your Home Inspection Business with Home Energy Score
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

Using the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) free Home Energy Score, home inspectors can provide a miles-per-gallon type rating to their clients. By offering the rating and accompanying recommendations for efficiency improvements, home inspectors can help clients become eligible for mortgage incentives from FHA.

Evaluation of Residential Behavior-Based Programs
Presentation, Media
Author: Bill Saxonis, New York Department of Public Service; Annika Todd, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; C. Anna Spurlock, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Publication Date: 2016

Residential behavior-based (BB) programs use strategies grounded in the behavioral and social sciences to influence household energy use. These programs have unique evaluation challenges and usually require different evaluation methods than those currently employed for most other types of efficiency programs. This webcast provides an introduction to documenting the energy savings associated with BB programs and examples of how different jurisdictions are addressing BB program evaluation.

Exploring Opportunities for Energy Efficiency as a Revenue Stream in the Forward Capacity Markets
(2 MB)
, Media, Transcript
Author: Terri Esterly, PJM Capacity Market Operations; Doug Hurley, Synapse Energy Economics Inc.
Publication Date: 2012

Webcast on utility forward capacity markets and how energy efficiency programs may access these markets as a potential source of revenues.

Exploring Opportunities for Energy Efficiency as a Revenue Stream in the Forward Capacity Markets
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast provides information for energy efficiency programs on the opportunities and challenges associated with participating in forward capacity markets and reliability pricing models as potential revenue streams.

Exploring Power Purchase Agreements: The Basics, Part 1
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast provides basic information about power purchase agreements.

Finance Planning
Presentation, Media
(55 MB)
, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast discussed the broad spectrum of needs financing mechanisms must address within integrated energy efficiency programs.

Financial Program Management for Continuous Improvement
(67 MB)
, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast discussed financial program management.

Financing Energy Improvements on Utility Bills: Case Studies from the Field
Author: Eleni Pelican, U.S. Department of Energy; Mark Zimring, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Greg Leventis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Merrian Borgeson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Charles Goldman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Peter Thompson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Ian Hoffman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provided an overview of on-bill financing programs, and presented three case studies: Manitoba Hydro, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and Pacific Gas & Electric (California).

Financing Program Support for ARRA Recipients - PACE Webinar
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2009

Webcast with information on financing structure design for four energy efficiency upgrade programs, including methods used to conduct market evaluations.

Financing Programs: RFP & Contract Terms and Conditions
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast discusses financing program RFPs and contract terms and conditions.

Furthering Your Local Governments' Energy Efficiency Goals: Part 1 - Getting Support From Local Leaders
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Chuck Clinton, National Association of State Energy Officials; Jay Fisette, Arlington County, Virginia; Michael Yambrach, Washington, D.C.; Kaci Radcliffe, Skagit County, Washington; Jennifer Clymer, ICF International
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast shares useful and effective strategies for getting local leaders to support local government's energy efficiency goals.

Guidelines for Home Energy Professionals Project
Presentation, Media
Author: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Publication Date: 2015

This webinar discusses the guidelines for home energy professionals project. The goal of the project is to collaborate with industry to develop the tools needed for a high-quality residential energy upgrade industry, supported by accredited training programs, and a skilled and credentialed workforce. It also discusses Standard Work Specifications (SWS) which define the minimum requirements for high-quality, safe, and durable installations.

Guidelines for Retrieving Customer Usage Data from Utilities
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast presents the guidelines for retrieving customer usage data from utilities.

Home Performance with ENERGY STAR
(4 MB)
, Media, Transcript
Author: Chandler von Schrader, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Casey Murphy, ICF International; Matthew Phillips, Austin Energy
Publication Date: 2010

Overview of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR program for existing homes.

Homeowner and Contractor Surveys
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast discussed how homeowner and contractor surveys are used to assess and fine-tune programs.

How to Design a Community Energy Alliance
Presentation, Media
(75 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Ben Taube and Jolyn Newton, Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance; Eric Mackres, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy
Publication Date: 2010

Webcast on how to design a community energy alliance.

How to Design and Market Energy Efficiency Programs to Specific Neighborhoods
Presentation, Media
(62 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Michelle Leigh, County of Volusia, Florida; Andrea Petzel, City of Seattle, Washington; Lilah Glick, Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast offers information on successful marketing strategies, as well as design considerations and market research insights for creating and marketing successful projects in specific neighborhoods.

How to Work with the Media
(3 MB)
, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast offers a preview of tools and proven techniques to work with local media to increase program visibility. The webcast also features a discussion where participants shared what is working with their program's media efforts.

Integrating Experimental Design Into Your Program
Presentation, Media
(79 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Annika Todd, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Publication Date: 2011

Experimental design is often used to increase certainty about the actual impacts of a program and what strategies are worth repeating going forward. This webcast reviewed some experimental design techniques and gave examples of how they might fit into your programs.

Keeping Up With Your Audience, So They Keep Up With Your Program
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast discussed how market research can help spur demand for home energy efficiency programs.

Lessons Learned and the Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

Take you on a tour of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center content and functionality and explore how you can use the Solution Center to help design, implement, and evaluate residential energy efficiency programs. Program examples focus on contractor engagement and workforce development. Learn how to support and partner with the workforce who will deliver your program’s energy efficiency services by understanding their capacity, recruiting contractor partners, enabling technical training and business development support, and refining program processes over time.

Lessons Learned: Measuring Program Outcomes and Using Benchmarks
Presentation, Media
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast discusses how to measuring program outcomes and use benchmarks.

Leveraging EPA's Portfolio Manager in Benchmarking and Disclosure Policy
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webinar highlights the best practices of state and local benchmarking and disclosure policies. It discusses benchmarking and its place in the larger context of energy management planning and explores in detail some of the choices governments face when implementing these policies.

Leveraging Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Rev. Fletcher Harper, GreenFaith; Paul C. Raver, Jr., Green Market Solutions; Alexis Chase, Georgia Interfaith Power & Light
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast explores how faith-based organizations and their partners have used energy efficiency as an organizing motivator to upgrade the institutional building and then members' homes.

Loan Loss Reserves: Lessons from the Field
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast highlights lessons learned from programs that have used loan loss reserve funds.

Long-Run Savings and Cost-Effectiveness of Home Energy Reports
Presentation, Media
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast discusses the savings and cost-effectiveness of home energy reports programs.

Managing Financing Programs: Spreadsheet Models
Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast provides an overview of spreadsheet models available to help manage financing programs.

Marketing & Outreach: Working with and Learning from Contractors
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Karen Villeneuve, NYSERDA; Peter Krajsa, AFC First Financial Corporation; Michael Rogers, GreenHomes America; Matt Golden, Recurve
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast highlights programs that actively engage the contractor community in program design and implementation. Several contractors share their views on best practices for Marketing & Outreach.

Marketing and Marketing & Outreach Collaborative Intro, November 2, 2010
Author: Kerry O'Neill, Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2010

Webinar presenting methods for increasing communication within a marketing team. LA County and Oregon BBNP grantees also share their experiences regarding market research and outreach strategy development.

Marketing, Communication, and Outreach: Lessons Learned In and Outside Energy Efficiency
Presentation, Media
(105 MB)
, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc.; Clean Energy Solutions, Inc.; Local Energy Alliance Program
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast presents lessons learned in marketing, communication, and outreach, including lessons related to marketing plans.

Overview and Preliminary Results of ARRA-Funded SGIG Consumer Behavior Studies
Presentation, Media
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast discusses the background for U.S. Department of Energy’s Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) consumer behavior study effort; the various utilities who are participating and what they each plan to include their respective studies; the quantitative results and qualitative lessons learned thus far from these studies; and the types of research will be undertaken by LBNL over the next several years.

PACE Legal Authority & Administration: Financing Program Support for ARRA Recipients
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2009

This webcast discussed program administration for PACE financing programs.

PACE Legal Issues: Financing Program Support for ARRA Recipients
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2009

This webcast discussed legal issues for PACE financing programs.

Part I: Getting Started: Answering Big Picture Funding Questions
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Transcript
Author: Neelam Patel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Pat McGuckin, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Richard Dooley, Arlington County, Virginia; Shawn Collins, Opportunity Council; Alex Ramel, Sustainable Connections
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast (Part I of a three-part series) covers the big picture questions that local governments should consider for funding clean energy programs. What resources are available? What are the program priorities? How can these programs pay for themselves? What funding is available? The webinar guides local governments through these and other questions in the context of their own unique circumstances and illustrates the concepts through case studies that explore how local governments have used both conventional and unconventional methods to gain support, line up partners, and design and implement their funding programs.

Part II: Getting it Funded: Finding Funding for your Clean Energy Programs
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Presentation 5, Transcript
Author: Neelam Patel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Pat McGuckin, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Marvin Lee, School District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Nate Boyd, City of Orlando, Florida
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast (Part II of a three-part series) discusses how climate and clean energy programs can find funding.

Part III: Keeping it Going: Financing Options for your Clean Energy Programs
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Presentation 4, Presentation 5, Presentation 6, Transcript
Author: Neelam Patel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Pat McGuckin, The Cadmus Group, Inc.; Niko Dietsch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Keith Canfield, Clinton Climate Initiative; James Christensen and Yvette Rincon, City of Sacramento, California
Publication Date: 2012

This webcast (Part III of a three-part series) covers how to choose and implement financing options that meet local needs.

Partnering with Utilities Part 1 -- Successful Partnerships and Lessons from the Field
Presentation, Media
(68 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Jennifer Clymer, ICF International; Philip LaMay, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania; Christian Williss, Denver, Colorado; Sharon Procopio, Denver, Colorado
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast served as a roundtable for communities to describe successful partnerships between local governments and utilities that enabled the local governments to implement new clean energy programs or enhance existing ones.

Partnering with Utilities Part 2-Topics for Local Governments-Creating Successful Partnerships with Utilities to Deliver Energy Efficiency Programs
Presentation, Media
(65 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Jennifer Clymer, ICF International; Neal De Snoo, Berkeley, California; Dan Schoenholz, Fremont, California; Catherine Squire and Gina Blus, Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Jon Ippel, Orlando, Florida; Cameron Saulsby, Orlando Utilities Commission
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast focused on advanced topics for local government-utility partnerships, with presentations from local governments and their partnering utilities that have well-developed, multi-year relationships and programs.

Pennsylvania's Keystone HELP Program
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast presents Pennsylvania's Keystone HELP program as a case study for successful public/private partnerships for consumer energy efficiency financing.

PowerSaver Loan
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast provided an overview to the PowerSaver Loan; described the role of financing in home energy efficiency projects and examples of program's experience; introduced how DOE program sponsors and partners can utilize PowerSaver to offer affordable energy efficiency loans to homeowners; and discussed options, strategies and next steps for interested programs to partner with participating PowerSaver lender(s).

Preliminary Impact Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Neighborhood Program
Author: Jeff Dowd, U.S. Department of Energy; Ed Vine, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2013

This presentation discusses the preliminary impact evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Neighborhood Program, including program processes and what program elements are most successful in inducing market changes that will result in sustainable savings.

Preliminary Process and Market Evaluation: Better Buildings Neighborhood Program
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast provided an overview of the preliminary process and market evaluation completed for the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program.

Presentation on the Energy Efficiency Reporting Tool for Public Power Utilities
Presentation, Media
Author: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; American Public Power Association
Publication Date: 2016

This presentation discusses the energy efficiency reporting tool for public power utilities. The tool is an Excel-based template is designed to produce consistent, useful metrics on program investments and performance for small to medium-sized administrators of public power efficiency programs.

Quality Assurance for Residential Retrofit Programs
Presentation, Media
(44 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Jim Grevatt, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Publication Date: 2010

Webcast about quality assurance for residential upgrade programs.

Raising Investment Funds for Clean Energy Programs & Working with Financial Institutions
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Peter Meyer, The E.P. Systems Group, Inc.; Glenn Barnes and Jennifer Weiss, Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast provided a broad picture of possibilities for providing energy efficiency financing, and presented guidance on working with financial institutions.

Residential High Energy Users: Causes and Opportunities
Author: Energy Center of Wisconsin (now Seventhwave)
Publication Date: 2015

High energy users in single-family homes present the greatest opportunities for energy and cost savings, yet relatively little is known about what is happening in these homes or how energy efficiency and utility programs can engage these consumers. In this on-demand webcast, hear the results of a groundbreaking field study of 100 high-consumption homes in Minnesota. The webcast will discuss possible causes and the technical and behavioral opportunities to reduce usage. Also, it will introduce the households studied to provide a holistic introduction to this utility customer group.

Residential Retrofit Program Design Guide Overview
Presentation, Media
(75 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Richard Faesy, Energy Futures Group; Andy Meyer, Efficiency Maine; Nikki Kuhn, Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Publication Date: 2011

Webcast on the DOE Residential Retrofit Program Design Guide, which focuses on the key elements and design characteristics of building and maintaining a successful residential upgrade program.

Revolving Loan Fund Basics and Best Practices
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2009

This webcast featured four presentations providing examples and best practices for revolving loan funds.

Revolving Loan Funds: An Introduction
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2009

This webcast provides an introduction to revolving loans funds, highlighting basics and best practices.

The Role of Behavioral Programs in Portfolios
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2014

This webcast discusses policy and planning considerations for incorporating behavior programs into efficiency portfolios.

Setting Baselines for Planning and Evaluation of Efficiency Programs
Presentation, Media
Author: Robert G. Ozar, Michigan Public Service Commission; Carmen Best, California Public Utilities Commission; Jeff Harris, Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2016

The key challenge with quantifying savings from end-use efficiency activities is the identification of an accurate baseline from which to determine the savings. Regardless of the protocol or procedure applied, all savings values are determined by estimating likely energy use in the absence of the program or project (the “counterfactual” scenario, or baseline). This webcast provides an introduction to considerations and common practices for defining baselines, the relationship between baselines and savings attribution, and examples of how different jurisdictions are addressing market baseline studies, setting baselines for retrofit measures, and market transformation program baselines.

Sources of Energy Efficiency Program Savings for Air Regulators
Presentation, Media
Author: Steven Schiller, Schiller Consulting, Inc.; John Shenot, Regulatory Assistance Project; Cecily McChalicher, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date: 2013

This presentation cover how and where air quality regulators and others can find information to support the use of energy efficiency to achieve emissions reductions and other co-benefits. Resources covered include a report by the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) on energy efficiency data sources for air regulators and the Regional Energy Efficiency Database (REED).

State, Regional and National Energy Efficiency Forecasting
Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3, Media
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast provides approaches for projecting, analyzing and representing end-use energy efficiency potential and its impacts on state, regional and national energy use.

Tips and Tools for Promoting Your Energy Efficiency Project
Presentation, Media
(53 MB)
, Transcript
Author: Jim Arwood, National Association of State Energy Officials; Nancy Raca, ICF International
Publication Date: 2010

This webcast provides information on why outreach is important for program success and how programs can promote their efforts.

Tools for Designing & Implementing Better Finance Programs
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2013

Rather than selecting from two or three fixed models, a successful clean energy finance program will require a sponsor to make a number of design decisions, based on resources available and the needs of the community served. This webinar outlines these key areas for consideration (including potential program sponsors, institutional structure, and potential sources of program revenue) and examples of how organizations across the country have blended design decisions into successful programs.

Tracking Household Perceptions and Actions
Author: Energy Center of Wisconsin (now Seventhwave)
Publication Date: 2012

This on-demand webinar discusses what residential customers in Wisconsin, the Midwest, and the nation have to say about energy topics.  Learn about the Energy Center of Wisconsin's (now Seventhwave's) research on consumer perceptions and actions concerning their energy use at home based on the 2011 Midwest Energy Survey.

Using Deemed Savings and Technical Reference Manuals for Efficiency Programs and Projects
Presentation, Media
Author: Tina Jayaweera, Northwest Power and Conservation Council; Jennifer Easler, Iowa Attorney General's Office; Chuck Rea, MidAmerican Energy Company
Publication Date: 2016

Applying well documented stipulated (deemed) values is a common practice for determining the savings from energy efficiency projects and programs and the databases where such deemed values are cataloged are called Technical Reference Manuals (TRMs). This webcast introduces the use of deemed savings, information on setting up and updating TRMs, lessons learned, and resources for state officials. As examples, speakers discuss the content and development processes used for the Northwest regional TRM and the Iowa state TRM.

Using Integrated Resource Planning to Encourage Investment in Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency Measures
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network
Publication Date: 2013

This webcast reviews the SEE Action report that describes how utility planning processes that allow demand-side resources to compete with supply-side resources can promote cost-effective energy efficiency.

The Value of Energy Efficiency in the Real Estate Market
Author: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date: 2015

This webcast discusses the value of energy efficiency in the real estate market.

Valuing Energy Efficiency: Considering Energy Performance in Real Estate Appraisals and Valuation
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2016

This webinar focused on energy efficiency and sustainability in the appraisal and valuation industries. Colliers International explained how they have adapted their processes to ensure that they realize the full value of energy efficiency and sustainability upgrades. Inspyrod discussed various techniques and data challenges that might be encountered during the valuation process. Sustainable Values provided an introduction and overview to the recently launched Energy Matters! training course that teaches appraisers how to incorporate energy and sustainability metrics into their property valuation.

Workforce Development and Sales Training for Energy Efficiency Contractors
Presentation, Media, Transcript
Author: Elizabeth Stuart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2011

This webcast reports on the energy efficiency services sector workforce size, expectations for growth, and training needs and features a case studies from Efficiency Vermont and Efficiency Maine.