us ad chinese cooperation

Credit: USFWS

In 1986, the U.S. and China established a cooperative agreement in order to conserve species and their habitats. Under the protocol, the two states agree to establish and manage protected natural areas for conservation of wildlife and habitats, band migratory birds, regulate trade of endangered species, and participate in cooperative research and management projects.

The protocol establishes a system for information and technology exchanges, in which delegates, study teams, and other individuals will travel between the countries assisting in research, management, and project implementation. The East Asia program works to implement ad support the Protocol. Our support helps to build China’s capacity to restore and manage its wetlands, wildlife habitats, and nature reserves.

The East Asia program coordinates with the Department of Foreign Affairs of the P.R.C. State Forestry Administration, and with the International Cooperation Department of the P.R.C. Ministry of Agriculture. Several U.S. non-governmental organizations also take part.

The most recent U.S.-China meeting to review cooperation under the Protocol took place in April 2011.  At that time, the two countries negotiated activities to be carried out during 2011-2013.  The work plan, known as Annex 11 PDF Download to the Protocol, works to expand the current range of cooperation between the parties in areas related to nature reserve management; wildlife conservation and habitat protection; climate change, public education and outreach, and other topics, through exchange of information and specialists, jointly convening in workshops, training on practical techniques; and encouraging partnerships between nature reserves and wildlife refuges.