eNews · December 2016

Save the Date

Thursday, December 15, 2pm-3pm ET WEBINAR

Gian Wild headshot

Images are used on websites for many different functions, and each require a different approach for accessibility. Join AccessibilityOz CEO Gian Wild for a detailed demonstration, discussion, and Q&A about how to ensure your images are both accessible and usable for people with disabilities.

Thursday, January 19, 2pm-3pm ET WEBINAR

Rachel Kerrigan headshot

Join PEAT as we talk with Rachel Kerrigan to learn how Perkins School for the Blind and Harvard Extension School are educating HR professionals about common technology barriers to access through a free online course titled “Introduction to Inclusive Talent Acquisition.”

Thursday, January 26, 2pm-3pm ET WEBINAR

Gian Wild headshot

Video accessibility requires more than simply providing transcripts, captions and audio descriptions. Join AccessibilityOz CEO​ Gian Wild for a detailed demonstration, discussion, and Q&A about how to make videos accessible to people with disabilities.

In Focus

HR Tech conference stage

PEAT is always enthused to attend the annual HR Technology Conference, given their focus on technology tools and trends shaping the field of human resources. This year we left feeling more excited and energized than ever, because the topic of accessibility is finally starting to take hold in the hearts and minds of HR Tech stakeholders.

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The National Council on Disability’s annual report to Congress notably focuses on improving access to technology for Americans with disabilities. Recognizing accessible technology as a right for all Americans and a key pathway to employment, the report provides actionable recommendations for the federal government, technology industry, and private and public sectors.