Action Step 8: LEARN MORE

As you continue to build and refine your accessible technology initiative, you can find additional resources and support through the following resources:

News and Announcements:

Be sure to stay up-to-date on the latest developments on accessible workplace technology issues by staying in touch with PEAT:

Professional Development Opportunities:

  • AccessU—This annual conference offers instructional courses in digital accessibility, including online sessions for remote attendees.
  • Accessing Higher Ground  This annual conference offers instructional courses in digital accessibility. It is geared towards people accessibility in higher education, but welcome to anyone looking for hands-on instruction. 
  • CSUN Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference—The largest conference of its kind in the world, CSUN provides an inclusive setting for researchers, practitioners, exhibitors, and end users to share knowledge and best practices for utilitizing accessible technology to remove barriers for persons with disabilities in educational, workplace and social settings.
  • International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)—This membership organization helps accessibility professionals develop and advance their careers and to help organizations integrate accessibility into their products and infrastructure.
  • Knowbility—This nonprofit provides in-person trainings and professional development for developers and administrators, including onsite trainings.
  • M-Enabling Mobile Technology SummitAn annual meeting for all who create and use accessible mobile ICT products, services and consumer technologies.
  • Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM)A professional membership association devoted to human resource management, including resources related to workplace technology policies.
  • TeachAccess—This partnership initiative creates models for teaching and training students of technology to create accessible experiences.
  • US Business Leadership Network (USBLN)—A national nonprofit that helps business drive performance by leveraging disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain, and marketplace. Their resources include an annual Disability Equality Index of the best places to work for people with disabilities.
  • WebAim—This nonprofit provides in-person trainings and professional development for developers and administrators, including onsite trainings.

For a list of online accessibility training resources, please see our article Knowledge is Power: Training Your Staff on Accessible Technology Issues.

Professional Help:

A11Y Project: Professional HelpThe community-driven A11Y Project maintains a short list of accessibility consultants.