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Foil the Flu

Flu Vaccine Protects You, Your Patients and Your Family.

Foil the Flu, the annual seasonal influenza immunization program for NIH employees and contractors, is from September 28 through December 15.

All federal employees and contractors with a valid NIH identification badge are eligible to receive flu vaccine for FREE, and are encouraged to be immunized against the flu. The best way to reduce the risk of getting the flu is to get the flu vaccine every year. All staff who have patient contact, including both employees and contractors, are required to get immunized each year. 

2020 Update**The annual Foil the Flu influenza immunization clinic will have some significant changes this year. Two big differences are that the location on the main campus has changed and the vaccine will be given by appointment only through an online registration system. Walk-in immunization will not be available. 

There will be additional COVID-19 safety measures in place. The staff providing vaccines will be carefully following infection control procedures. All staff arriving for a flu shot must wear a face cover and follow all physical distancing requirements. Please see below for additional details.

2020-2021 Immunization Schedule and Registration

View the immunization 2020 schedule, including off-campus dates for Shady Grove, Bayview, Poolesville and Rockledge locations.

All teleworking employees in the Washington, DC area are encouraged to schedule an appointment at our Shady Grove or Rockledge locations. Extra dates and appointments have been added to those sites to accommodate additional staff. Please do not schedule an appointment at Baltimore/Harbor Hospital or Poolesville unless you work onsite at those locations.

Schedule Your Appointment

For assistance with scheduling your appointment, review our registration user guide. All employees with a scheduled appointment at the Building 10, B-1 Cafeteria, should enter through the exterior glass doors to the cafeteria. The line forms outside of the cafeteria and there is no entry to the flu clinic from inside the building.

Staff reporting to Shady Grove or Rockledge locations may view the leased facilities map. Visitors arriving at the Rockledge location, may view map of the location for parking instructions. 

Visitors of the Shady Grove location may park in the parking garage directly across from the entrance of the building. The parking garage is open and free to NIH staff.

For Ages 65 and Older 

Staff ages 65 and older are eligible to receive a high-dose vaccine that stimulates a stronger immune response. People age 65 and older tend to develop lower levels of protective antibodies with a traditional dose vaccine. Learn more about the high-dose flu vaccine. 

Healthcare Personnel

All NIH employees and contractors who have contact with Clinical Center patients must be immunized against seasonal flu every year. Documentation for flu shots received outside of NIH must be provided to OMS for review by uploading it via the registration portal (

Any staff required to participate in Foil the Flu who declines to be vaccinated against flu must provide a valid reason for declination. Documentation for all declinations should be uploaded to the registration portal. Those who submitted written documentation of permanent medical contraindications last year need not do so again. Those who have severe egg allergies will not be exempt if egg-free recombinant vaccine is available. Please email with any questions. 

Directions for uploading required documentation will be available soon.



If you have questions about the influenza vaccine, please contact the Hospital Epidemiology Service (301-496-2209) or Occupational Medical Service (301-496-4411); email