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What is an Environmental Review?

An environmental review assesses the potential environmental impacts of a project to determine whether it meets federal, state, and local environmental standards. Every HUD-assisted project must be examined to ensure that it does not negatively impact the surrounding environment and that the site itself will not have adverse effect on end users. The extent of the examination varies, but every project must be in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and other related Federal and state environmental laws.

The menu on the right of the page has links to several useful environmental resources. Please check this page regularly for updates. Extensive environmental review information is available on the HUD Exchange Environmental Review website.

If you have questions about environmental review, please contact the assigned Grants Management Specialist or Grants Evaluation Specialist for your Area Office.

Resources and Updates

CPD Notice 20- 07 Guidance on conducting environmental review pursuant to 24 CFR 58 for activities undertaken in response to the public health emergency as a result of COVID-19

The purpose of this Notice is to provide guidance on environmental review processing for activities needed to respond to the public health emergency as a result of COVID-19.  This Notice describes types of activities that meet the environmental review exemption at 24 CFR 58.34(a)(10) for improvements necessary to respond to an imminent threat to public safety; it provides the process for using HUD’s expedited public notice and condensed comment periods for environmental reviews during a Presidentially declared disaster or a locally declared emergency; and it includes a Table of Activities that lists examples of the types of activities that are typically needed to address a public health emergency organized by the level of environmental review required.

Environmental Guidance COVID-19

May 22, 2020

These resources provide OEE updates, Section 106 information, and guidance on submitting OEE forms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acceptable Separation Distance – 24 CFR Part 51 Subpart C

February 24, 2020

HUD has revised regulations at Part 51 to exempt liquified petroleum gas or propane containers up to 1,000 gallons that comply with industry standard, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 58

HEROS for Tribes and Tribal Partners Webinar Recording

August 2, 2018

The HUD Office of Environment and Energy (OEE) is pleased to announce the Using HEROS for Tribes and Tribal Partners webinar. Beginning in June 2018, OEE is conducting a pilot for Tribes and their partner organizations using HUD Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) for both Part 50 and Part 58 Environmental Reviews in HEROS.

This webinar is intended for Tribes, TDHEs, and third party consultants who prepare Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) reviews on behalf of HUD or a Responsible Entity Tribe.

Dear Tribal Leaders Letter Environmental Regulatory Reform

May 16, 2018

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) invites your Tribe to engage in government-to-government consultation before and during the re-drafting of its environmental regulations that affect HUD’s Indian programs. Read the Dear Tribal Leader letter HERE.

You may also send comments or ideas to streamline the HUD environmental review regulations to EnvironmentalPlanningDivision@hud.gov.

Dear Tribal Leaders Letter Environmental Review Online System (HEROS)

May 8, 2018

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Environmental Review Online System (HEROS) is scheduled to be rolled out to all Native American housing programs in the fall of 2018. This letter invites comments from Tribal Leaders and Indian Housing Officials regarding the system’s implementation. Click Here to read the letter.

HUD Releases a Historic Tax Credit toolkit

November 28, 2017

This past May HUD broadcast a webinar on Using the Historic Tax Credit for Affordable Housing. To complement the webinar, we’ve assembled a toolkit that highlights the most critical components of the webinar, along with links to supporting resources. The toolkit includes a recording of the webinar for you to share with your colleagues. To view the toolkit, please click here

Updated HUD Tribal Directory Assistance Tool (TDAT)

November 28, 2017

A new version of the HUD Tribal Directory Assistance Tool (TDAT) is available at https://egis.hud.gov/tdat. TDAT links tribes’ geographic areas of current and ancestral interest down to the county level, and is utilized for tribal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The functions of this version are the same as the last version of TDAT, but the look is different and it now functions on mobile devices. Updates to information listed in TDAT should be submitted through TDAT. This can be done by selecting “Menu”, and then “Feedback and Corrections.”

Dear Tribal Leaders Letter: Coordinated Environmental Review Initiative

September 26, 2017

This Dear Tribal Leader letter invites tribal leaders to provide comment and input on the draft implementation plan for recommendations made by the Final Report on the Coordinated Environmental Review Initiative.  If you have questions about the draft plan, contact Danielle Schopp.

ONAP Program Guidance 2017-03: Certifying Officers for ER under 24 CFR Part 58 Published

February 15, 2017

This guidance explains who can serve as a Certifying Officer for environmental reviews prepared under 24 CRF Part 58 for all programs administered by HUD’s Office of Native American Programs, including who can delegate that responsibility and how a delegation can be made. Click Here to read in full.

Dear Tribal Leader Letter regarding the Coordinated Environmental Review Initiative

February 7, 2017

Published today is a Dear Tribal Leaders letter and enclosure regarding the Coordinated Environmental Review Initiative and actions for moving forward with recommendations of the Coordinated Environmental Review Process Final Report.

HUD-wide Environmental Notice - HUD Balcony Policy under 24 CFR 51, Subpart B

January 6, 2017

CPD Notice 16-19 clarifies the Department’s approach to balconies within the Department’s regulatory constraints in 24 CFR Part 51 Subpart B, Noise Abatement and Control. The Notice changes HUD’s previous, informal policy of not allowing balconies off bedrooms and instead requires an Operations and Maintenance Plan with periodic inspections of seals and repair or replacement if necessary. The Notice reinforces that if the windows and doors serve as noise mitigation, a mechanical ventilation system must be installed. Questions about the Notice should be directed to Jim Potter at (202) 402-4610 or james.m.potter@hud.gov. Additional information about HUD’s noise regulation can be found on the HUD Exchange.

Now Available for Environmental Reviews: Related Law and Authority Partner Worksheets

August 22, 2016

Improved on-line tool to facilitate consultation with Indian Tribes about HUD-assisted development under Section 106 Historic Preservation<

May 31, 2016

HUD Notice CPD-16-02 , Guidance for Categorizing an Activity as Maintenance for Compliance with HUD Environmental Regulations, 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58

March 9, 2016

HUD-Sponsored Training Opportunities


Recorded HUD Webinar on Tiered Environmental Review

HEROS Tiered Environmental Review Webinar recording, slides, and transcript are available at: https://www.hudexchange.info/trainings/courses/heros-tiered-environmental-review-webinar/1936/. During the webinar, HUD staff presented an overview of the tiered review process and how Responsible Entities may use tiering to improve their environmental review procedures. HUD staff also demonstrate how tiered reviews are created using a single-family rehab program as a case study.

ONAP Calendar of Events

Please check the ONAP Calendar of Events regularly for upcoming free HUD-sponsored environmental review training opportunities.

Web-based Instructional System for Environmental Review (WISER)

This online training series from HUD’s Office of Environment offers specific information on environmental topics, enabling users to evaluate topics such as risk to endangered species, considerations regarding bodies of water such as rivers, ponds and wetlands, as well as how to achieve environmental justice goals and protect HUD-assisted projects from excessive noise. Each module includes a downloadable key definitions PDF, knowledge checks to confirm comprehension, and links to needed resources.

To explore this new curriculum, visit the WISER webpage.

Click to watch HUD Environmental Review Webinars.