Airmen Services

Create an Airmen Services Account

  • Enter the information below exactly as it appears on your most recent certificate.  Note: Certificate numbers are entered as numeric digits only without a prefix or suffix.
  • If you do not have a valid certificate you will not be able to gain access.
  • Your email provider may have a spam blocker in place which will not allow email from the Civil Aviation Registry to be delivered to you unless you specifically set your email preferences to always accept mail from
  • A verification link will be sent to the email address provided below. To access your Airmen Services Account, follow the instructions in the email.

Airmen Information

  (Maximum 9 numeric digits only)

   *   Required

You are accessing a U.S. Government information system. This information system, including all related equipment, networks, and network devices, is provided for U.S. Government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system is prohibited, and may result in civil and criminal penalties, or administrative disciplinary action. The communications and data stored or transiting this system may be, for any lawful Government purpose, monitored, recorded, and subject to audit or investigation. By using this system, you understand and consent to such terms.