Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP)

The Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) leads the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) efforts to implement the National Policy for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (National Counter-IED policy) and enhance the nation’s ability to prevent, protect against, respond to, and mitigate the use of explosives against critical infrastructure; the private sector; and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial entities.

Mission of the Office for Bombing Prevention

Mission of the Office for Bombing Prevention: Protect life and critical infrastructure by building capabilities within the general public and across the public and private sectors to prevent, protect against, respond to, and mitigate bombing incidents.

OBP accomplishes its mission through a focused portfolio of complementary counter-IED capability development programs, supporting four core initiatives:

  • Counter-IED Strategy, Integration, and Communications
  • Counter-IED Assessment and Planning
  • Counter-IED Information Sharing
  • Counter-IED Training and Awareness

Download a fact sheet for an overview of the Office for Bombing Prevention.

Vision of the Office for Bombing Prevention: OBP was created in response to terrorism events, including the bombing events of Lockerbie, Oklahoma City, 9/11, Madrid, and London. Our service is rooted in the belief that bombings continue to threaten the security of our communities, critical infrastructure, and nation. We believe that Americans and people everywhere should live free from fear of the malicious use of explosives and that the realization of this vision depends upon a well-coordinated, all-of-nation effort.

Counter-IED Strategy, Integration, and Communications

OBP has a leading role in implementing the National Counter-IED policy, which is articulated through Presidential Policy Directive 17 (PPD-17): Countering IEDs. OBP serves as the Deputy Administrator of the federal interagency Joint Program Office for Countering Improvised Explosive Devices (JPO C-IED), which coordinates and tracks federal government progress in building national counter-IED capabilities; and working in close collaboration with the White House National Security Council (NSC).

OBP also leads DHS efforts to implement the National Counter-IED policy by administering the DHS Counter-IED Strategy, Integration, and Communications Section and chairing the DHS IED Working Group. In partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), OBP co-developed the Security and Resiliency Guide: Counter-IED Concepts, Common Goals, and Available Assistance (SRG C-IED) to help stakeholders plan and implement C-IED activities within their organizations’ overall public safety and emergency management approach.

Through its leadership role, OBP is instrumental in aligning DHS and national counter-IED efforts through centralized and effective coordination of ongoing programs, resulting in better resource allocation within OBP and across DHS and our federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners.

Counter-IED Assessment and Planning

OBP systematically identifies and assesses the nation’s capabilities to counter-IED threats and drives capability improvement through enhanced strategy, investment, and planning-based resource optimization. 

  • The National Counter-IED Capabilities Analysis Database (NCCAD) is an assessment program that uses a consistent and repeatable analytical methodology to assess and analyze the capabilities of bomb squads, explosives detection canine teams, dive teams, and Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams.
  • The Multi-Jurisdiction IED Security Planning (MJIEDSP) Program is a systematic process that fuses counter-IED capability analysis, training, and planning to enhance IED prevention, protection, mitigation, and response capabilities across jurisdictions.

Counter-IED Information Sharing

OBP plays a crucial role in counter-IED information sharing, not only in times of heightened threat or incidents, but also by increasing IED awareness in our day-to-day lives. Through its role in information sharing and decision support, OBP leverages its communications network, including detailed assignments at key federal agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) National Explosives Task Force (NETF), to ensure that timely and accurate information is provided to senior decision-makers across DHS, other federal agencies, and state, local, and private sector partners across the United States to support threat and incident-based crisis decision-making.

Screenshot from TRIPwire video that includes TRIPwire logo. Click here to watch the TRIPwire video.

Watch the TRIPwire video

Counter-IED Training and Awareness

To reduce risk to the nation’s critical infrastructure, OBP develops and delivers a diverse curriculum of training and awareness products to build nationwide counter-IED core capabilities and enhance awareness of terrorist threats. Coordinated through state Homeland Security officials and training offices, OBP courses educate federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial participants, such as municipal officials and emergency managers; state and local law enforcement and other emergency services; and critical infrastructure owners, operators, and security staff on strategies to prevent, protect against, respond to, and mitigate bombing incidents.

What You Can Do When There Is a Bomb Threat

It's important to know what steps every day citizens can and should take in the event of a bomb threat. Access bomb threat guidance and resources, including the video, What You Can Do When There is A Bomb Threat, developed by the University of Central Florida, in conjunction with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) and the Office for Bombing Prevention within the CISA's Infrastructure Security Division, that teaches viewers how to respond in the event they receive a bomb threat. For more information on how to recognize bomb threats and react appropriately, view these other “What to Do” Videos: “What to Do: Suspicious or Unattended Item,” “What to Do: Bomb Searches,” and “What to Do: Surviving a Bombing Attack.”

Federal Partners

Contact Information

To report suspicious activity, call 9-1-1 or contact local law enforcement.

Please contact your local Protective Security Advisor (PSA) or send an email to the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) at for additional information about OBP products and programs, or to schedule a training session or a planning workshop.

Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe. Everyone has a responsibility to protect our nation—"If You See Something, Say SomethingTM."

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