Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP)

Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program LogoBMAP is a counter-terrorism bombing prevention program, sponsored by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's (CISA) Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP), in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). BMAP is designed to promote bomb-making materials (BMM) awareness and reporting of suspicious activity to prevent the intentional misuse of common consumer goods used to make improvised explosive devices (IEDs).


      Program Goals:

  • Restrict access by malicious actors to BMM and explosive precursor chemicals used to manufacture homemade explosives (HME) and IEDs
  • Provide early detection of the sale of HME precursor chemicals and BMM to suspect individuals
  • Prevent diversion and theft of HME precursor chemicals and BMM by malicious actors
  • Build a network of vigilant and informed partners who serve as the nation’s counter-IED "eyes-and-ears" as the first line of defense in providing early detection of potential terrorist attacks and criminal activity

      Program Benefits:Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program Components Photo

  • Strengthens prevention and mitigation opportunities
  • Increases BMM awareness for communities
  • Enhances public/private partnerships
  • Increases private sector point-of-sale awareness
  • Increases identification of suspicious activity and purchasing behavior
  • Improves recognition and reporting to appropriate officials
  • Promotes community-based outreach
  • Provides free, secure access to training, videos and awareness materials
  • Provides reporting mechanisms to track and measure success

Reporting Suspicious Activity

Businesses, their employees, and the public play a critical role in helping safeguard their communities by recognizing and reporting suspicious purchases or other behavior that indicates potential bomb-making activities. BMAP provides businesses with the training and guidance needed to appropriately recognize and report suspicious activity to authorities consistent with the National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI).

To report suspicious activity, call 1-855-TELL-FBI (1-855-835-5324) or contact your local law enforcement. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Community Awareness and Training

The importance of educating the public and point-of-sale employees cannot be overstated, as this is the best way to ensure early detection of suspicious indicators and the sale of precursor chemicals, powders, and IED components to suspect individuals. CISA and our partners provide a suite of free training and educational videos to increase awareness and reporting.

AWR-921 Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Employee Training (AWR-921)

Audience: Retail personnel, sales, community members
Course Length: 35 minutes
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Description: This independent study training teaches participants how to recognize suspicious purchasing behaviors in a retail setting that might indicate bomb-making activity and what to do when a suspicious incident occurs.

Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP) Community Liaison Course (MGT-450)

Participants: 15-25
Audience: This course is designed for public safety and private sector personnel identified as Community Liaisons or perform community outreach as part of their role. 
Course Length: 1 day (8 hours)
Recommended Prerequisites: AWR-921: Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Employee Training and NSI SAR: Explosive Precursors Point of Sale Training.
Description: This one-day, in-person, instructor-led training prepares participants to conduct outreach in their communities by familiarizing them with explosive precursor chemicals and components found in common household products used to make bombs. It also provides them the ability to recognize suspicious purchasing behaviors, and access BMAP resources.

Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP) Administrator Training (MGT-450-1)

Participants: 15-25
Audience: Select first responders and officials with community outreach responsibilities who accept the duties of a BMAP Administrator and Instructor (CISA provides funding for state, local, and private sector professionals to attend the BMAP Administrator/Trainer MGT-450-1 course)
Course Length: 4 days (32 hours)
Recommended Prerequisites: None
Description: This four-day, management-level training provides participants with the information and skills required to administer BMAP within their respective jurisdictions and to teach the BMAP Community Liaison Course. At the completion of the training, it is intended that the participant will establish and administer an outreach program within their jurisdiction by selecting, training, and providing oversight and guidance to local Outreach Officers.

Additional Information

For more information about CISA’s Bomb-Making Materials Program, email

To report suspicious activity, call 1-855-TELL-FBI (1-855-835-5324) or contact your local law enforcement. In the event of an emergency, call 9-1-1.

Download a printer-friendly BMAP fact sheet

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