Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

STEM Education

Los Alamos is committed to investing and partnering in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education initiatives and programs that have a positive impact on student achievement while addressing community pipeline and regional workforce needs.
April 16, 2020
2018 Julia Robinson Math Festival

Los Alamos National Laboratory supported the 2018 Julia Robinson Math Festival in Santa Fe. More than 140 middle-schoolers from six schools across the region took part in a day of challenging and fun math activities, exploring 15 puzzles in a creative and non-competitive way.


  • Executive Office Director
  • Kathy Keith
  • Community Partnerships Office
  • (505) 665-4400
  • Email
  • Education
  • Janelle Vigil-Maestas
  • Community Partnerships Office
  • (505) 665-4329
  • Email
Support of education matters because a substantial part of our workforce is drawn from Northern New Mexico.

Investing in the future

Los Alamos National Laboratory is committed to providing a positive and sustainable impact on our region by leveraging direct and indirect community investments in education. The success of the Laboratory and the region as a whole depends on a skilled workforce. To help produce better education outcomes for students, the Laboratory supports initiatives from elementary school through higher education, including robust teacher professional development initiatives

2019 Highlights
  • The Laboratory’s Math and Science Academy (MSA) completed the second year of work with Pojoaque Valley School District and New Mexico Highlands University on the Regional Partnership School program
  • 50 students in grades 6-8 took part in a free Mindset Math Summer Camp, co-ordinated by MSA
  • 35 teachers and principals from 12 schools took part in 8 day-long professional learning sessions, one 2-day summer institute, and two cross-school collaboration sessions through the MSA’s Math Teacher Leader Network
  • 339 employees volunteered 3,868 hours of time for 228 STEM education programs
  • The Lab’s Bradbury Science Museum Summer Science on Wheels program reached 153 students and 4,043 students
  • Free two-week Summer Physics Camp for Young Women for 22 high-schoolers from 14 schools in the region
  • The Laboratory helped coordinate the inaugural New Mexico Governor’s STEM Challenge, with 65 schools and more than 600 students taking part
  • 1,099 items including furniture and computer monitors with a replacement value of $325,630 were distributed through the Furniture Reuse Program to Northern New Mexico School Districts and pueblos
  • 116 students from the region received $773,500 from the Los Alamos Employees’ Scholarship Fund (LAESF), while the 2019 fundraising campaign saw Lab employees raise $373,000 during the annual scholarship fund campaign