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Who uses NASA Earth Science Data? Data User Profiles

These features highlight our diverse end-user community worldwide and show you not only how these data are being used for research and applications, but also where these data are being used—from the plains of West Texas to the Sea of Oman and everywhere in between. You’ll also learn where you can download the data sets in each feature.

Search the Data User Profiles by clicking in the search box below and entering in a keyword term, such as a DAAC (ASDC, NSIDC, SEDAC, etc), an instrument/mission (GRACE, MODIS, TROPOMI, etc) or science term (surface mass, snow cover, tomography, etc). The search results will narrow down the table entries applicable to the search keyword entered.

hidden column Date Photo Name/Title
014, nocturnal environment, CIRA, Colorado State, near real-time, low-light observations, OLS, Operational Linescan System, DMSP, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, milky seas, bacterial bioluminescence, science of the night, numerical weather, climate prediction, natural hazards monitoring, ecological, invasive species assessmet, agriculture, air quality, disaster relief, homeland security, VIIRS, MODIS, Aqua, Day/Night Band, DNB, JPSS, Worldview, inventory, taxonomy record, atmospheric gravity waves, convective storms, airglow, nightglow, NESDIS, GeoColor, SLIDER, GIBS 12/3/2020 Headshot of Dr. Steven Miller wearing an open collar shirt and standing in front of a satellite image of Earth.

Dr. Steven D. Miller

Senior Research Scientist, Colorado State University; Deputy Director, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Fort Collins, CO
015, ocean color, shallow water, in situ, above-water radiometer, light sensor, phytoplankton, macroalgae, sargassum, bloom, ocean health, OBPG, ocean biology, OB.DAAC, coral reefs, seagrass beds, oyster reefs, benthos, benthic zone, NDBC, buoys, GASB, Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt, MODIS, sea surface temperature, SST, nitrogen, VIIRS, Sentinel, PACE 10/29/2020 Headshot of Dr. Brian Barnes wearing an open collar shirt and standing in front of a sunny outdoor area.

Dr. Brian Barnes

Research Associate, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL
016, ice-free land surface, agriculture, livestock, environmental impact, Schomburgk's deer, Rucervus schomburgki, St. Helena olive, Nesiota elliptica, Saint Helena, Thailand, irrigation, fertilizers, pesticides, deforestation, non-food crop production, food waste, SEDAC, MODIS, anthropogenic biomes, human interaction, ecosystems 9/24/2020 Headshot of Dr. Navin Ramankutty wearing a blue open-collar shirt

Dr. Navin Ramankutty

Professor in the School of Public Policy and Global Affairs and the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
017, SAR, synthetic aperture radar, environmental remote sensing, ecosystems, forest inventory, ground-measured biomass, UAVSAR, microwave sensor, active radar, ASF DAAC, NISAR, L-band, S-band, AM-PM, forest stand height, FSH, global carbon budget, InSAR, interferogram, PALSAR, ALOS, GEDI, SDC, surface deformation and change 08/27/2020
Image of Dr. Paul Siqueira standing on a mountain wearing a light sweater and sunglasses.

Dr. Siqueira at the Bartlett Experimental Forest in New Hampshire conducting forest inventories to compare ground-measured biomass assessments with UAVSAR data. Image by Lake Boddicker.

Dr. Paul Siqueira

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Co-Director of the Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory; University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
018, climate change, ecosystems, eddy covariance, model simulations, mangrove forests, Everglades, freshwater flow, CO2, carbon dioxide, land cover, ORNL DAAC, MODIS, VIIRS, Daymet, LP DAAC, flux, FLUXNET, NDVI, normalized difference vegetation index, Terra, carbon sink 08/03/2020 Headshot of Dr. Malone standing outside on a sunny day in front of an old church; she wears a denim shirt and is wearing aviator sunglasses.

Dr. Sparkle Malone

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Science, Florida International University, Miami, FL
019, coastal ecosystems, mangrove forest, biome, human impact, natural disturbance, vegetation, saline water, brackish water, carbon sinks, CMS, carbon monitoring system, carbon dioxide, CO2, hurricane, forest degradation, canopy, NDVI, normalized difference vegetation index, MODIS, Terra, Aqua, ETM+, OLI, LIDAR, G-LiHT, ATLAS, ICESat-2, bathymetry, coral reef 6/25/2020 Image of Dr. David Lagomasino standing in the mud in a mangrove forest. He holds a measuring tool and is wearing a vest and had. Mangrove branches surround him.

Dr. David Lagomasino

Assistant Professor, Department of Coastal Studies, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC; Research Scientist, East Carolina University Coastal Studies Institute, Wanchese, NC
020, deforestation, biodiversity, land use, land cover, terrestrial carbon cycle, greenhouse gas, rainforest, Amazon River, understory, LP DAAC, CODED, continuous degradation detection, Landsat, low-magnitude, logging, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation in Developing Countries, REDD+, MODIS, Terra, Aqua, LANCE, NRT-CCDC, Continuous Change Detection and Classification, Fusion2, GEDI, JEM-EF, LIDAR, CO2, carbon dioxide 5/28/2020
Selfie of Dr. Bullock sitting in a canoe in the middle of a river with the Amazon rainforest in the background.

Dr. Eric Bullock on the Nanay River outside of Iquitos, Peru, in the Peruvian Amazon. Image courtesy of Dr. Bullock.

Dr. Eric Bullock

Post-Doctoral Researcher; Center for Remote Sensing, Boston University, Boston, MA
021, Southeast Asia, water management, economic development, food, energy resources, Indus River, Tibet, India, Pakistan, Arabian Sea, hydrologic, physical oceanographic data, human dependence, population density, groundwater, GRACE, GPM, MODIS, Landsat, OSTM, Jason, numerical weather prediction, Mekong River, flood control, irrigation, water supply 4/30/2020 Dr. Hossain at his desk wearing a black shirt; books line the shelves behind him.

Dr. Faisal Hossain

Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
022, water, freshwater, UAV, geospatial, hydrologic models, socio-environmental, winter snow, spring runoff, saline, glaciers, icecaps, water vapor, GIS, GRACE, watersheds, dams, canals, river basins, hydropolitical, GEOSWRL, CIRES, USGS, albedo, snow cover, MODIS, NSIDC DAAC, Yellowstone River, Gallatin Valley 3/26/2020 Headshot of Dr. Eric Sproles wearing a baseball cap and standing in a wooded area by a stream.

Dr. Eric Sproles

Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences and Director, Geospatial Snow and Water Resources Lab (GEOSWRL), Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
023, lower atmosphere, pollutants, airborne, chemical transport models, ozone, O3, atomic oxygen, molecular, ultraviolet radiation, UV, stratosphere, troposphere, peroxyacetyl nitrate, PAN, poison, EPA, asthma, lung damage, nitrogen dioxide, NO2, nitric oxide, NO, NOx, chemical cycle, health problems, acid rain, emissions, redistribution, TES, Aura, carbon monoxide, CO, water vapor, H2O, methane, CH4, ammonia, NH3, ASDC, DAAC, JPL, boreal fires, austral spring, high latitudes, CrIS, Suomi NPP, greenhouse gases, WE-CAN, NCAR 2/27/2020 Headshot of Dr. Emily Fischer.

Dr. Emily Fischer

Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science and School of Global Environmental Sustainability; Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
024,aerosols, human health, clouds, troposphere, suspended particles, volcanic eruptions, smoke, wildland fires, desert dust, carbon soot, agricultural burning, droplets, atmospheric cooling, EPA, Global Ambient Air Pollution, AOD, aerosol optical depth, TOMS, ozone mapping, Nimbus-7, sulfur dioxide, SO2, carbon dioxide, CO2, OCO-2, OCO-3, ISS, GES DISC, water vapor, MODIS, cloud mask, GOES-R, GOES-16, CLASS, ABI, radiance 1/30/2020 Headshot of Dr. Steven Massie with Dr. Massie standing against a wood-paneled wall.

Dr. Steven Massie

Research Associate, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
025, emergency response, infrastructure data, situational awareness, decision making, emergency management, disasters, hurricane, earthquake, wildfire, flooding, tornado, severe storms, hazards, trusted sources, LANCE, near real-time, NRT, critical infrastructure, collaboration, GeoCollaborate, SBIR, STTR, small business, innovation, research, technology transfer, GIS, web services, data sharing, Harvey, Florence, bucket trucks, utility, MODIS, Terra, Aqua, Landsat, National Weather Service, NWS, Dorian, SEDAC, gateway, ESIP, ORL, operational readiness level 12/12/2019 Headshot of Dave Jones wearing a sport coat and sitting in front of a weather map.

Dave Jones

Founder, President, and CEO, StormCenter Communications, Inc., Halethorpe, MD
026, phytoplankton, ocean biology, biomass, microscopic organisms, Goddard, biogeochemical cycles, physical process, chemical, oxygen, marine food web, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, algae, protists, diatoms, bacteria, cyanobacteria, OBPG, OB.DAAC, ecosystem, SST, sea surface temperature, PAR, active radiation, diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd, Rrs, subtropical gyres, prochlorococcus, reflectance, Aqua, MODIS, CHL, SeaBASS, BODC 11/21/2019 Heashot of Dr. Priscila Kienteca Lange standing in front of a body of water to illustrate her Data User Profile.

Dr. Priscila Kienteca Lange

NASA Post-Doctoral Fellow and Scientist (Universities Space Research Association), Ocean Ecology Laboratory, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
027, ecological niche modeling techniques, GIS, geographic distribution, plants, animals, biodiversity, conservation, invasive organisms, disease outbreaks, ecophysiology, MODIS, LP DAAC, land cover, hyperspectral imagery, vegetative health, EO-1, Amazon, Peru, NLDAS, GES DISC, soil temperature, alligator snapping turtle 10/31/2019 Headshot of Dr. Monica Papes

Dr. Monica Papeş

Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
028, population, urban environment, natural hazards, human, vocano, Campi Flegrei, Naples, ALI, EO-1, megacity, SAR, active radar, ASF, PALSAR, InSAR, DInSAR, GNSS, SRTM 9/19/2019 Headshot of Dr. Kristy Tiampo, Director, Earth Science & Observation Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Professor, Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Dr. Kristy Tiampo

Director, Earth Science & Observation Center, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Professor, Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
029, sea level, high tide, flooding events, tide gauge, solar panel, sea height variation, CSIRO, PO.DAAC, altimeter, melting ice sheets, glaciers, seawater expansion, UHSLC, CMEMS, Copernicus, TOPEX, Poseidon, Jason-1, OSTM, GRACE 8/29/2019 Dr. Philip Thompson Data User Profile Resource Page headshot

Dr. Philip Thompson

Assistant Professor, Department of Oceanography, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa; Director, University of Hawai‘i Sea Level Center, Honolulu, HI
030, precipitation, flooding, hydrometeorology, hydrology, severe weather, hazard prediction, GPM, PMM, IMERG, OLYMPEX, GHRC, ROSES, NSSL, FLASH, hydrograph 7/25/2019 Image of Dr. Pierre Kirstetter

Dr. Pierre Kirstetter

Associate Professor, School of Meteorology and the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma; Faculty Member, Advanced Radar Research Center, University of Oklahoma; Affiliate, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, OK
031, urban development, economic studies, transportation, developing world, Africa, SEDAC, socioeconomic, human geography, World Bank, nighttime lights, DMSP, OLS, TIR, thermal infrared, GDP, economic activity, GPW, gridded population 6/27/2019
Image of Dr. Adam Storeygard, Associate Professor of Economics, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts

Photograph of Dr. Adam Storeygard by Stephanie Alvarez Ewens for Brown University.

Dr. Adam Storeygard

Associate Professor of Economics, Tufts University, Medford, MA
032, carbon cycle, urban environments, biosphere, atmosphere, Boston, CO2, carbon dioxide, methane, CH4, carbon monoxide, CO, global carbon budget, OCO-2, fluorescence, greenhouse gas emissions, CMS 5/30/2019
Image of Dr. Lucy Hutyra

Photograph of Dr. Hutyra by Kalman Zabarsky for Boston University Photography.

Dr. Lucy Hutyra

Associate Professor of Earth and Environment, Boston University; Director, Hutyra Research Lab, Boston University, Boston, MA
033, climate change, cryosphere, ice sheets, snow, sea ice, Arctic Circle, frozen ground, ice shelves, ICESat, NSIDC, polar winter, SAC-D, SnowEx 04/25/2019 Dr. Ludovic Brucker

Dr. Ludovic Brucker

Universities Space Research Association (USRA)/Goddard Earth Sciences Technology And Research (GESTAR) program; Manager and Senior Scientist, Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
034, energy cycle, atmosphere, wind power, geothermal, hydroelectric, POWER, applied science, sustainable buildings, renewable energy, WCRP, GEWEX, CERES, ISCCP, radiation budget, FLASHFlux, GMAO, ASDC, API 03/28/2019 Dr. Paul Stackhouse

Dr. Paul Stackhouse

Senior Research Scientist, NASA's Langley Research Center, Science Directorate/Climate Sciences Branch, Hampton, VA
035, land surface model, soil moisture, snow depth, surface flux, flash drought, in situ, rain gauges, GPM, SMAP, LIS, land information system, LDT, data toolkit, LVT, verification, NLDAS, FLOPS, floating point, GES DISC, GRACE, rain 12/20/2018

Mocko Main List Image

David Mocko

Senior Research Scientist (Science Applications International Corporation [SAIC]) supporting the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
036, SAR, ISRO, NISAR, ADT, algorithm, L-band, S-band, active radar, interferometry, interferogram, ASF, Sentinel-1, SRTM, C-band, X-band, ALOS, RADARSAT-1, GRFN, ISCE, GIAnT 11/15/2018

Data User Profile Piyush

Dr. Piyush Agram

Signal Analyst, Radar Algorithms and Processing Group, Radar Science and Engineering Section, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
037, algal bloom, water quality, HAB, cyanobacteria, organism, atmospheric oxygen, Baltic Sea, Sentinel-3, neurotoxin, hepatoxin, OBPG, OB.DAAC, CyAN, Envisat, MERIS, OLCI, index, MODIS 10/25/2018

Bridget Seegers

Dr. Bridget Seegers

Scientist (Oceanographer with the Universities Space Research Association [USRA]), Ocean Ecology Laboratory, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
038, urban environment, Central Park, New York, human geography, temperature, population density, urban heat island, energy, air pollutant, greenhouse gas, human health, water quality, ASTER, Landsat, SEDAC, UHI, 100 Cities Project, JMARS, J-Earth, evapotranspiration 9/20/2018

Lela Prashad

Lela Prashad

CEO and Co-Founder of NiJeL, a data science company focused on environmental and social sustainability; former director (2006-2011) of the 100 Cities Project at Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration
039, volcano, emergency response, thermal infrared, spectroscopy, ASTER, Halemaumau Crater, lava, Pele, pahoehoe, Fuego, Tolbachik, Kilauea, Etna, Stromboli, Pacaya, Reunion Island, Piton de la Fournaise,LP DAAC, MODIS, AVHRR, VNIR, SO2, sulfur dioxide 8/23/2018

Dr. Mike Ramsey

Dr. Mike Ramsey

Professor of Volcanology and Planetary Science, Department of Geology and Environmental Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
040, ocean, atmosphere, circulation, saline ocean, water vapor, clouds, precipitation, current, scatterometer, QuikSCAT, PO.DAAC, AMSR-E, air-sea interaction 7/19/2018

Dr. Larry O'Neill

Dr. Larry O'Neill

Assistant Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvllis, OR
041, terrestrial pollution, chemical composition, atmosphere, airborne gas concentration, transport model, ecosystem, surface process, carbon dioxide CO2, methane, CH4, ATom, DC-8, MRI, QCLS, CO, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, N2O, OCO-2, GOME-2, MetOp-A, TROPOMI, GOSAT, Sentinel-5, ORNL 6/21/2018

Dr. Roisin Commane

Dr. Róisín Commane

Research Associate, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA

042, climate change, agriculture, human environment interaction, ecosystems, farms, forestry, conservation, India, SEDAC, socioeconomic, VIIRS, NDVI, Terra, MISR, ETM+, WELD, SAR, Sentinel, TRMM, winter wheat 5/24/2018

Dr. Pinki Mondal

Dr. Pinki Mondal

Senior Research Associate, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University, Palisades, NY
043, dust concentration, volcano, emission, particulate matter, aerosol, suspended particles, ash, pollen, OMI, MODIS, polar winter, UV, OMAERUV, AOD, optical index, HYSPLIT, photosynthesis, clouds 4/19/2018

Dr. Santiago Gasso

Dr. Santiago Gassó

Associate Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Technology And Research (GESTAR) program/Morgan State University
044, glacier, snowmelt, Taymyr Peninsula, Russia, dicrostonyx torquatus, human population, cryosphere, lake ice, snow, sea ice, ice cap, frozen ground, permafrost, mountain hydrology, glacier mass balance, glacier dynamics, SSM/I, DMSP, AMSR-E, GCOM-W1, Shizuku, solar radiation, QuikSCAT, SWEHydro, DAV, NSIDC 3/22/2018

Data User Profile: Dr. Joan Ramage

Dr. Joan Ramage

Associate Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
045, GPS, plate tectonics, geodesy, water cycle, GNSS, GLONASS, CDDIS, signal noise, SNR, PBO, NSF, H2O data, Kachemak Bay, Alaska, PSIPW 2/22/2018

Dr. Kristine M. Larson

Dr. Kristine M. Larson

Professor of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
046, strong storms, ocean buoys, hurricane, Matthew, cyclogenesis, SPoRT, prediction, AMSU-A, AIRS, NCEP, high wind, atmospheric variance, N-AWIPS, air mass, MODIS, Sandy, Suomi NPP, CrIS, ATMS, Atsani, CAA, cold air aloft 1/25/2018

Dr. Emily Berndt

Dr. Emily Berndt

Research Scientist, NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SPoRT)
047, wildfire, wetlands, boreal ecozone, arctic region, tundra, field campaign, SMAPVEX16, soil moisture, SAR, C-band, X-band, L-band, ASF, ABoVE, phragmites australis, common reed, PALSAR, Great Lakes, nitrogen loading, LIDAR 12/21/2017

Laura Bourgeau-Chavez

Dr. Laura Bourgeau-Chavez

Senior Research Scientist/Adjunct Associate Professor, Michigan Tech Research Institute-Michigan Technological University

048, MLS, Aura, data products, datasets, tools, QA, quality assurance, SCF, MLS SIPS, OCO-2, CO2, carbon dioxide, TCIS, tropical cyclone, ECMWF, ERA-5

Brian Knosp

Brian Knosp

Scientific Applications Software Engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology

049, crop production, corn, soybeans, cotton, wheat, rice, NASS, agriculture, MODIS, Terra, NDVI 10/19/2017

Dave Johnson

Dave Johnson

Senior Geographer, United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service

050, lightning, cloud electrification, severe weather, aerosol interactions, CAPI, circulation, convection, Shenandoah, Virginia, ATTO, Amazonian Tall Tower Observatory, FRD, flash rate density, ISS, GHRC, air mass, nocturnal thunderstorm, HALO, Brazil, CO2, carbon dioxide, CH4, methane, N2O, nitrous oxide, CHUVA, GPM, ACRIDICON 9/21/2017

Rachel Albrecht profile list

Dr. Rachel Albrecht

Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil

051, phytoplankton, ocean, carbon cycle, SeaWiFS, chlorophyll concentrations, microorganisms, OB.DAAC, ship survey, buoy, float, CO2, carbon dioxide, seawater, carbonic acid, pH, CMS, pCO2, partial pressure, MODIS, flux, DOC, dissolved organic carbon, MAB, Middle Atlantic Blight 8/24/2017

Dr. Sergio Signorini

Dr. Sergio Signorini

Principal Research Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation/NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
052, climate process, vertical convection, cumulus clouds, water vapor, convective storms, Asian Monsoon, Ellora Caves, India, TRMM, ITCZ, intertropical convergence zone, Siberian High, CAM, hurricanes, GEOS-5, G5NR, MERRA-2, atmospheric rivers, extratropical 7/20/2017

Dr. Brian Mapes

Dr. Brian Mapes

Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
053, urbanization, India, China, population growth, spread, VIIRS, Suomi NPP, nighttime lights, anthropogenic, biodiversity, croplands, energy use, Black Marble, HCV, high conservation value, UCAL, land cover, land change, DMSP, OLS, SPOT, SEDAC, QuikSCAT, urban heat islands, UHI, SeaWinds, scatterometer, HKH, Hindu Kush 6/15/2017

Dr. Karen Seto

Image of Dr. Karen Seto courtesy of Yale University.

Dr. Karen Seto

Frederick C. Hixon Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science and Associate Dean for Research, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; Director of the Seto Lab at Yale University
054, ecological model, forecasting, Terra, Aqua, PEcAn, predictive ecosystem analyzer, Ameriflux, LAI, leaf area index, MODIS, fAPAR, photosynthetically active radiation, visible light, near infrared, vegetation, spectral data, AVIRIS, VIIRS, Suomi NPP, LIDAR, GEDI, ECOSTRESS, ISS 5/18/2017

Dr. Michael Dietze

Dr. Michael Dietze

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University
055, coastal ocean circulation, marine ecosystem process, rock lobster, continental shelf, carbon cycle, larval dispersal, ocean transport, CSIRO, PO.DAAC, in situ, OSTST, MARACOOS, NERACOOS, IOOS, DOC, dissolved organic carbon, SeaWiFS, MODIS 4/11/2017

Dr. John Wilkin

Dr. John Wilkin

Professor, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

056, Chesapeake Bay, ocean health, tidewater quality, aquatic habitat monitoring, assessment, bacteria, blood infection, MODIS, vibrio vulnificus, microorganism, LANCE, salt water, chlorophyll, surface temperature, tubidity, suspended matter, algal blooms sediment plumes, nitrogen, phosphorous, algae, hypoxia, low dissolved oxygen, perkinsus marinus, cyclic pattern, diel-cycling, HAB, harmful algal blooms, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium 3/16/2017

Mark Trice

Mark Trice

Program Chief, Water Quality Informatics; Tidewater Ecosystem Assessment Division, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
057, climate change, geophysical data, algorithms, DEVELOP, BASINS, nonpoint sources, impervious sufaces, Moffett Field, TOPS, terrestrial observation prediction system, precipitation, gross primary productivity, evapotranspiration, soil runoff, vapor pressure deficit, LIDAR, GLAM, ICESat-2, ATLAS, MABEL, G-LiHT, hyperspectral, thermal imager, Coyote Watershed, ATL18, ATL08, gridded ground surface, canopy height, canopy cover, GEDI, ISS 2/23/2017

Pitts Image

Katherine Pitts

Engineering Scientist Associate; Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin
058, dryland ecosystems, human activity, climate change, waxflower, jamesia tetrapetala, alpine cliffs, rock slopes, Great Basin, artemisia tridentata, sagebrush, BCAL, LIDAR, GPS, LAI, leaf area index, carbon exchange, volume, canopy cover, point intercept sampling, ICESat-2, OLI, TM, Landsat, MABEL, ATLAS, SnowEx 1/19/2017


Dr. Nancy Glenn

Professor, Department of Geosciences and Director, Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory, Boise State University
059, atmospheric process, oceanic, SAR, radar, air sea interactions, storm intensity, SFMR, stepped frequency microwave, ISW, internal solitary waves, South China Sea, atoll 12/7/2016 Xiaofeng Li Profile Image

Dr. Xiaofeng Li

Scientist; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
060, mountain ecosystems, hydroclimatology, snow, social-ecological systems, SWE, snow water equivalent, snow tube, glaciers, water resources, precipitation, MRB, McKenzie River Basin, albedo, MODIS, snow cover, MISR, Greenland ice sheet roughness, absorbed heat 11/10/2016 Dr Nolin list photo

Dr. Anne Nolin

Professor; College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences; Oregon State University
061, wildfires, forest ecosystems, ecology, vegetation studies, carbon, MODIS, biosphere model, Carnegie Ames Stanford Approach, ALOS-1, ERS-1, NBR, SAR, TM, ETM+, dNBR, CBI, composite burn index, normalized ratio 10/6/2016 French List 2

Dr. Nancy French

Senior Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute; Adjunct Professor, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University
062, climate change, water cycle, energy, GISS, mean sea level, tide, waves, heat, moisture, GRACE, TOPEX, Jason, Poseidon, GEOS-5, CESM1, CMIP5, carbon dioxide, CO2, volcano, microphysical properties, condensation nuclei, water vapor, CERES, TRMM, relative humidity 9/8/2016 Fasullo Main

Dr. John Fasullo

Project Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research
063, space techniques, geodesy, geophysics, mapping Earth, LLR, SLR, laser ranging, ITRF, ILRS, gravitomagnetic field, LAGEOS, laser geodynamic satellite, GRACE, LARES, relativity, CDDIS 8/11/2016 Erricos Pavlis profile image

Dr. Erricos C. Pavlis

Associate Research Scientist, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County
064, polar sea ice, coastal oceanography, marine pollution, geophysical state, snow, pollutants, ice surface samples, sea ice thickness, microwave measurement, Terra, Aqua, SAR, Arctic Ocean, Beaufort, Chukchi Sea, RADARSAT, Sentinel, UAVSAR, NISAR, surface water, thermal bar, AATSR, radiometer, polarimetric imagery 7/7/2016 Ben Holt

Ben Holt

Research Scientist, Ocean Circulation and Air-Sea Interaction Group, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
065, sea surface temperature, ocean, atmosphere, air sea interactions, upper ocean physical process, microwave, Blue Marble, climate, circulation, SST, MODIS, GHRSST, MISST, IOOS, GEOS-5, tropical cyclone, Warm Blob 6/9/2016 Chelle Gentemann small

Dr. Chelle Gentemann

Physical Oceanographer, Earth and Space Research
066, frozen surface, atmosphere, solid, liquid, gas, water vapor, snow, ice, precipitation, Arctic, AMSR-E, Aqua, melting, SMMR, Nimbus-7, MODIS, Terra, NSIDC 5/11/2016 Mark Anderson User Profile

Dr. Mark Anderson

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
067, mineral resouces, natural hazards, REE, rare Earth element, ground truth, ASTER, Hyperion imaging spectrometer, EO-1, multispectral, hyperspectral, radiated energy, longwave, microwave, infrared, radiation, ultraviolet, x-ray, Landsat 8, electromagnetic spectrum, GIS, landslide, volcano, edifice failure, debris flow, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Yukon, Alaska, Canada, permafrost, Salton Sea, lahars, rock fragments 4/14/2016 Dr Bernard Hubbard UP

Dr. Bernard Hubbard

Research Geologist, Eastern Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey
068, land subsidence, water resource, Maricopa, Pinal County, Arizona, sub-surface alluvium, clay, silt, sand, gravel, Earth fissures, infrastructure, water retention, dams, levees, SAR, InSAR, colored fringes, elevation change, interferometry, interferogram, GNSS, gravimeter, aquifer storage, spatial extent, magnitude, rate, Sonoran Desert, Phoenix, Tucson, micro-gravity measurement, groundwater model, calibration, validation, ASF 3/24/2016 Brian Conway User Profile

Brian Conway

Hydrologist and supervisor of the Geophysics/Surveying Unit with the Arizona Department of Water Resources
069, global impact, regional, fires, Africa, biomass burning, agriculture, NSSA, water cycle, carbon emissions, interdisciplinary approach, Lake Chad Basin, surface runoff, infiltration, groundwater mass balance 3/3/2016 Charles Ichoku Headshot

Dr. Charles Ichoku

Research Physical Scientist, Climate and Radiation Laboratory, Earth Science Division, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
070, water budget, precipitation, water cycle, energy, evaporation, water vapor, clouds, GPM, GPCP, wind products, MERRA, GES DISC, SeaFlux Project, GEWEX, WCRP, transport, imbalance 2/11/2016 Dr. Christian Kummerow

Dr. Christian Kummerow

Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science and Director, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University

071, tropical, Arctic, climate system, snow cover, hydrologic, atmospheric circulation, surface interaction, data records, models, weather patterns, MJO, Madden Julian Oscillation, intraseasonal time scale, clouds, rainfall, wind, pressure, jet stream, precipitation 1/21/2016 Gina Henderson Headshot

Dr. Gina Henderson

Assistant Professor, Oceanography Department, United States Naval Academy

072, water quality, coastal, estuarine environment, nutrient loading, biogeochemistry, management, aquatic life, MODIS, OB.DAAC, Aqua, Terra, SeaWiFS, SeaDAS, TRMM, TOVAS, altimetry, SST, sea surface temperature, topography, PO.DAAC, MERIS, phytoplankton blooms, eutrophic, hypoxic 12/31/2015 John Lehrter

John Lehrter

Research Ecologist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development

073, hail size, damage estimation, in situ, GOES-R, land algorithm, LPCS, characterization system, Suomi NPP, VIIRS, ABI, advanced baseline imager, LP DAAC, land surface temperature, Landsat OLI, vegetation, near infrared 12/10/2015
Kevin Gallo (R) with co-investigator Philip Schumacher (NOAA/National Weather Service, L) at a 2011 storm survey.
Kevin Gallo (R) with co-investigator Philip Schumacher (NOAA/National Weather Service, L) at a 2011 storm survey.

Kevin Gallo

Physical Scientist, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

074, harmful algal blooms, HAB, southern right whale mortality, biological, physical process, anomalous phytoplankton, sea surface height, SSH, SST, temperature, salinity, ocean color, Gyre, hydrothermal site, Lucky Strike seamount, chlorophyll concentrations, wave glider, underwater sub, MODIS, OB.DAAC, PO.DAAC, Aquarius, diatom, pseudo-nitzchia 11/19/2015 Cara Wilson Resize Jpg

Cara Wilson

Research Scientist, Environmental Research Division of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

075, atmospheric composition, aerosol, clouds, trace gasses, climate change, Suomi NPP, particulates, storm formation, biomass burning, MODIS, LANCE, FIRMS, LAADS, ASDC, MISR, OMI, sulfur dioxide, SO2, nitrogen dioxide, NO2, GES DISC, phase transition, heterogeneous chemistry, volcanic transport 10/29/2015
Jun Wang User Profile image
Image courtesy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Jun Wang

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

076, ecosystem disturbance, mountain hydroclimatology, water resources, climate change, snowpack energy, ablation, forest fire, MODIS, Terra, NSIDC, LP DAAC, MTBS, burn severity 10/8/2015 Kelly Gleason user profile image

Kelly Gleason

Postdoctoral Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey

077, geospatial data, disaster response, humanitarian support, security, human rights, MODIS, thermal anomaly, UNOSAT, dynamics, operations, Syria, Sudan, NGO, Congo, conflict monitoring 9/17/2015 Lars Bromley

Lars Bromley

Principal analyst and a research advisor, United Nations Institute for Training and Research - Operational Satellite Applications Programme

078, urbanization, fertility, mortality, poverty, hazards, adaptations, climate change, spatial population change, SEDAC, GPW, GRUMP, urban mapping, SRTM topography, QuikSCAT, DMSP, EOG, human settlement, LECZ, low elevation coastal zones, peri-urban growth 8/27/2015
Deborah - Balk - Head - Shot - Web
Image of Deborah Balk courtesy of Morgado

Deborah Balk

Professor, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs - Baruch College, City University of New York Graduate Center Doctoral Programs in Public Health, Sociology, and Economics. Balk also is the Associate Director, CUNY Institute of Demographic Research

079, ecosystem function, environmental condition, plant physiological conditions, optical signals, spectral reflectance, fluorescence, carbon movement, Fluxnet, ORNL, Hyperion imaging spectrometer imagery, EO-2, MODIS, high-latitude studies, tundra plants, mosses, lichens, vascular 8/6/2015 Fred Huemmrich, Research Assistant Professor, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology and affiliated with the Geography and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Fred Huemmrich

Research Assistant Professor, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology and affiliated with the Geography and Environmental Systems Department, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

080, climate variability, phytoplankton composition, biogeochemical models, Arctic, sea ice cover, runoff, Suomi NPP, PACE, pre-aerosol, clouds, El Niño, La Niña, carbon dioxide, CO2, NOBM, GMAO, MODIS, Aqua, chlorophyll, particulate inorganic carbon, OMI, SeaWiFS, ocean color, diatoms 7/16/2015 Cecile Rousseaux, Research Scientist, Universities Space Research Association/NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)

Cecile S. Rousseaux

Research Scientist, Universities Space Research Association /NASA's Global Modeling and Assimilation Office

081, ecosystem response, climate change, land use, biogeochemical, MAIRS, monsoon, Asia, NEESPI, GLP, NC CSC, pastoral system impact, dryland, MODIS, ORNL, LP DAAC, GPP, gross primary productivity, drought 6/25/2015 Dennis Ojima, Professor in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and Senior Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University

Dennis Ojima

Professor in Ecosystem Science and Sustainability and Senior Research Scientist, Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory at Colorado State University

082, weather, climate, atmospheric chemistry, air quality, Africa, MCS, mesoscale convective system, tropical cyclone, dust storm, aerosol, rain, variability, Sahara, respiratory disease, ICE-D, ice in clouds experiment, nuclei, MODIS, Terra, Aqua, LAADS, OMI, AERONET, ozone concentrations, O3, nitrogen, AOD, optical depth, Senegal 5/29/2015 Greg Jenkins Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University

Greg Jenkins

Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University

083, phytoplankton ecology, biogeography, physical regulation, algal blooms, phycotoxins, biogeochemical cycles, marine food chain, microorganisms, Sea of Oman, Arabian Sea, HAB, fisheries, aquaculture, MODIS, SeaWiFS, chlorophyll concentration, SST, sea surface temperature, OB.DAAC, PO.DAAC. TOPEX, Poseidon, GES DISC, time series analysis, ocean color, cochlodinium polykrikoides, low oxygen, nutrient rich, cyclonic eddies 5/7/2015 Adnan Al-Azri, Associate Professor, Department of Marine Sciences & Fisheries, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Adnan Al-Azri

Associate Professor, Department of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

084, earthquake physics, finite element modeling, ground displacement, anthropogenic, natural causes, inverse theory, tectonics, California, Louisiana, Cascadia subduction zone, Iran, seismology, subsiding deltas, sea level, geodetic observations, fault zone behavior, external stress change, ASTER, GDEM, digital elevation, LP DAAC, ASF, SRTM, Landsat, GloVis 4/16/2015 Rowena Lohman, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Engineering, Cornell University

Rowena Lohman

Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, College of Engineering, Cornell University

085, storm electrification, lightning, thermodynamics, microphysics, kinematics, dynamics, thunderstorms, propagation, deep convective clouds chemistry experiment, GOES-R, WTLMA, mapping array, Ka-band, radar, turbulence, activity, LIS, OTD, GHRC 3/26/2015
Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University (TTU), Lubbock, TX
Image courtesy of Liz Inskip-Paulk, National Wind Institute, Texas Tech University

Eric Bruning

Assistant Professor of Atmospheric Science, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

Page Last Updated: Dec 3, 2020 at 8:48 AM EST