Diversity and Inclusion

At the NCUA, differences make a difference …

The National Credit Union Administration includes diversity and inclusion among its core values. We believe they are critical business imperatives directly linked to achieving our mission. Diversity coupled with inclusion is integrated into how we do business. They are part of the fabric of our organizational culture. We recognize that each employee brings a wealth of skills, experiences, and talents, creating a workforce filled with differences. We don’t just accept these differences, we take advantage of them by seeking diverse perspectives, collaborating inclusively, and valuing the uniqueness of each member of the team.

We define diversity as ...

A broad spectrum of characteristics including race, skin color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, religion, language, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, family structure, geographic differences, diversity of thought, life experiences and more. Simply put: Diversity is all the things that make us who we are.

We define inclusion as ...

Cultivating an environment that connects each employee to the organization; encouraging collaboration, flexibility, and fairness so that all individuals are empowered to participate and contribute to their full potential.

We put diversity and inclusion into action through ...

Workforce Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity within our talented workforce allows us to leverage diverse perspectives, skills, and talents to help us achieve our mission. Inclusion within our workplace allows all employees to contribute to their fullest.

Workplace Resolutions: The NCUA strives to create and maintain a model workplace where every employee is treated fairly with equal access to opportunity. We promote a proactive approach to prevent, address, and resolve conflict.

Supplier Diversity: Diversity within our vendor and contractor pool helps drive competitive pricing and innovative business solutions. If your business is minority or women-owned and you would like to do business with NCUA, see our vendor registration.

Credit Union Diversity: Diversity within the credit union system helps credit unions better serve their communities while financial inclusion allows credit unions to grow. Learn more about the business case for credit union diversity and what credit unions can do to assess diversity.

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